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Buddyh Zone 2.1 released

Discussion in 'Content Management' started by n1c02, Feb 6, 2008.

  1. #1
    Vastal has released version 2.1..... JUst days before that.. He contacted my host and had it shut down again. Had to fight.. finally got it back up.. Looked at his site and now he has a version 2.1 ready to sell.. I wont go into details on how this update of his came to life. but.... I called him he wont work with me still . no support , no refund. no upgrade.. no nothing.. i spent 400.00 on this script and now have to keep fighting this guy to jsut keep my site going that I paid for.. He now has banned tons of people from his host.. not only can you not get onto vastal. com.. you cant goto ANY website that currently has hosting on his servers.. Where does he get the nerve to decide who these people paying him hosting every month can allow on THEIR sites....THis has gone on long enough,. I want SOMETHING done...I am looking for a way to take care of this once and for all. If anyone has any ideas please let me know. I will definatly make it worth your time
    please feel free to contact me
    Terry Brown

    n1c02, Feb 6, 2008 IP
  2. pinforum

    pinforum Banned

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    Go to legal fight or go to sleep and walk up with fresh idea in the morning
    pinforum, Feb 8, 2008 IP
  3. n1c02

    n1c02 Peon

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    Kind of hard to have a legal battle with sonmeone in India.. He even stated told me that there is no way that anyone will try to fight him considering he is in INdia.. that is why he has in his license that any legal matters have to be handled there.. of course you dont get to see this UNTIL you pay.. I wish i wouldve used my head.. and went with PHPFox . they are so much better. I jsut dont have another 300-400 ro spend

    n1c02, Feb 8, 2008 IP
    dynashox likes this.
  4. jasondavis

    jasondavis Peon

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    lmao buddy zone AKA the worse script I have seen, im a programmer, I laughed when I saw buddyzone source, I can't believe people buy it though
    jasondavis, Feb 9, 2008 IP
  5. casualmusic

    casualmusic Active Member

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    i've heard some really horrible things about buddyzone. i looked into their script when i was starting my sns but read enough about them on here so i also went with phpfox
    casualmusic, Feb 9, 2008 IP