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Cannot find the photo that I had opened in photoshop

Discussion in 'Photoshop' started by luko, Jun 13, 2012.

  1. #1
    While I was playing with a photo in photoshop my computer suddenly restarted exactly when saving it. After restart, I went to its folder but it's not there anymore. What happened and where should It be?
    luko, Jun 13, 2012 IP
  2. logoninjas

    logoninjas Peon

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    Sounds like your computer crashed. Try looking under your recent files in photoshop. It might still be there. If it is, click it and save immediately. Otherwise, I believe you're without a paddle.

    Best of luck!

    logoninjas, Jun 13, 2012 IP
  3. logoninjas

    logoninjas Peon

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    Hi again,

    I just thought of another thing.

    When you said you looked in the 'folder', did you mean you tried to find it via explorer/finder or was that via photoshop itself? If via explorer/finder, try opening a file in photoshop (ctrl+o / cmd+o) and it may be in the folder you last opened.

    Good luck!

    Amy. ;)
    logoninjas, Jun 13, 2012 IP