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categories and pages

Discussion in 'Content Management' started by Hades, Nov 19, 2007.

  1. #1
    I am trying to make a cool navigation set up, and I am having a little trouble.
    I want to do it so that I can click on a category in Wordpress, and the category opens up and shows me the pages in it. And if I click on a different one, i want the first category to close. Is there a way to do that and if so, how?

    I have attached a picture to show what i mean.

    Attached Files:

    Hades, Nov 19, 2007 IP
  2. tarponkeith

    tarponkeith Well-Known Member

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    Google "JavaScript Navigation Menu" :)
    tarponkeith, Nov 19, 2007 IP
  3. Miguelmateos

    Miguelmateos Well-Known Member Premium Member

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    I was looking for something kinda like what you are asking for only I wanted a plugin that could turn my categories into a sort of categorized link directory for example I have a site with about 2000 wordpress categories

    the problem with having this many categories is it really blogs down the server every time a page with the categories on it is loaded so what I wanted was bascially a way to lets say make 50 main categories 200 sub categories 400 sub sub categories and so on and so on basically it would turn your blog and categories into a directory site as well and at the same time would speed up the loading of any one page because there would be much less categories per page loaded

    To me I would think that this would be a script that many webmasters and blogers would love to have
    Miguelmateos, Nov 19, 2007 IP
  4. Hades

    Hades Well-Known Member

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    Yeah some probably would. what tarponkeith said sounds good, but I really don't want to be bothered with making pages and then having to put links in. I just wanted to use a plugin or something of that sort, which would let me make that work.
    Hades, Nov 19, 2007 IP