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Changing a Facebook Page Name - Failed

Discussion in 'Social Networks' started by danielhowden, Jan 19, 2024.

  1. #1
    I have tried to change the name of a page I run and I get a message about the page having "Limits" Apparently I have violated a Facebook rule but I just cannot see what I have done wrong.

    Can anyone please help?

    upload_2024-1-19_17-36-14.png upload_2024-1-19_17-36-14.png
    danielhowden, Jan 19, 2024 IP
  2. Anikate Verma

    Anikate Verma Greenhorn

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    Make sure your content aligns with their policies, and if you've recently made any updates, ensure they comply as well. If the issue persists, consider reaching out to Facebook support for assistance. It might also be helpful to seek guidance from the Facebook community forums, where others may have encountered similar issues and can provide practical solutions or share their experiences. Staying patient and persistent in following the platform's guidelines should eventually help you resolve the naming issue for your page.
    Anikate Verma, Feb 16, 2024 IP
  3. UpgradeIT.ro

    UpgradeIT.ro Member

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    To change the name of a Facebook page, you need to be an admin of that page and follow these steps:
    1. Go to the Page: Log in to Facebook and navigate to the page whose name you want to change.

    2. Page Settings: Click on the "Settings" option located at the top right corner of your page.

    3. Edit Page Info: In the left-hand column, you'll see various options. Click on "Page Info".

    4. Edit Name: Find the "Name" section and click on the "Edit" button next to it.

    5. Enter New Name: Enter the new name you want for your page. Make sure it adheres to Facebook's Page name guidelines. For example, it shouldn't include any misleading information or violate Facebook's community standards.

    6. Review Changes: After entering the new name, Facebook will review it. They may require additional information or documentation to confirm the change.

    7. Submit for Review: Once you're satisfied with the new name, click on "Continue" and then "Request Change".

    8. Wait for Approval: Facebook will review your request. This process can take anywhere from a few hours to a few days.

    9. Confirmation: If your request is approved, you'll receive a notification from Facebook confirming the name change.
    It's important to note that Facebook may deny name change requests if they don't comply with their guidelines. Additionally, you can only change your page's name once every 7 days.
    UpgradeIT.ro, Feb 16, 2024 IP
  4. MilesWeb

    MilesWeb Well-Known Member

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    there are some ways you can work on,
    1. make sure your new page name accurately reflects your brand
    2. you need to wait for restriction period to end
    3. you can consider some minor modification to your current page
    MilesWeb, Mar 18, 2024 IP