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Christmas Gravy Train?

Discussion in 'General Business' started by oziii, Dec 2, 2004.

  1. #1
    It seems that the Christmas shopping rush has hit full force in the real world and articles that I've been reading recently indicate that this is being mirrored online. The question is - how is this impacting your Adsense performance?

    I've noticed a slow steady increase over the past few weeks - which I put down to a threefold increase:

    1. 10% increase in traffic
    2. 10% increase in click values
    3. 1% increase in click through rates

    how are others going? I suspect it will be different types of sites that would benefit from Christmas - for me its particularly noticeable on a consumer electronics site...
    oziii, Dec 2, 2004 IP
  2. lorien1973

    lorien1973 Notable Member

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    As a retailer, this is the minor leagues for christmas traffic right now. Starting Dec 8th, ending on the 14th, is when the prime season starts. This is warm up period. I don't buy adwords much anymore, but if it holds to last year, bids will increase further than those as people start to begin a bidding war on good converting words.
    lorien1973, Dec 2, 2004 IP
  3. oziii

    oziii Peon

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    oops - looks like I posted this in the wrong forum...was aiming it for the Adsense but for some reason its here. Was it moved or did I mess up?
    oziii, Dec 2, 2004 IP
  4. stephaneggy

    stephaneggy Well-Known Member

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    I see like 15% traffi increase
    stephaneggy, Dec 8, 2004 IP