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Christmas is a distraction

Discussion in 'General Chat' started by spiced, Dec 4, 2023.

  1. #1
    Christmas is the one of the worst holidays,its when people go out and pretend theyre happy just because everyone else is doing the same.Its also very distracting one of the primary contributors to the distraction of Christmas is the large amount of activities and commitments that arise during this time. The sudden surge of social gatherings, family obligations, and festive events can create a hectic schedule that leaves little room for focus on regular responsibilities and tasks.
    spiced, Dec 4, 2023 IP
  2. shellyboy911

    shellyboy911 Well-Known Member

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    While Christmas can be a joyful time for many, it's true that the pressure to be merry and participate in numerous activities can be overwhelming.

    But still, I think it's a nice distraction for myself.
    shellyboy911, Dec 7, 2023 IP