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Discussion in 'General Chat' started by dct, Jan 9, 2005.

  1. #1
    Howdy all,

    My main machine is starting to creak, and its time to flash the cash :D

    Does anybody have any recommendations of cheap and reliable sites to buy from, I tend to use Scan, Ebuyer and OverClockers.
    dct, Jan 9, 2005 IP
  2. Lever

    Lever Deep Thought

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    You building your own system from bits, dcteam? If so, any pointers/URLs on how to build a system would be cool :)

    I've used Scan & Ebuyer in the past and have used www.dabs.com for a few years (got my 19" iiyama from them about 4 years ago - GBP145.00 !!), most recently for a very reasonably priced NEC DVD burner. Don't know what they like for boards and other components though. They don't do airmiles anymore :(
    Lever, Jan 9, 2005 IP
  3. dct

    dct Finder of cool gadgets

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    I built my last 2 systems from scratch but I'm not sure if its worth doing with this one.

    I forgot about dabs (thanks for that) I used to use them all the time.

    You have now got me thinking about doing a custom build and blogging about it. As if I haven't got enough projects on the go at the moment, thanks Lever ;)
    dct, Jan 9, 2005 IP
  4. Lever

    Lever Deep Thought

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    No worries, dcteam. Thanks for raising the issue - you sparked my interest in maybe doing a custom build :)

    I was thinking of getting an off-the-shelf PC and invalidating the warranty by butchering it straight away or just spec'ing & ordering a custom-build, but where's the fun in that? And like I haven't got enough to do too LOL

    If you do a custom build I'd be interested to see that, but if not that's cool :D

    Oh, and Kustom PCs might be worth checking for the odd item. Needed a low db fan and got a stealth from them some time ago - anything over 21db makes my ears ring LOL
    Lever, Jan 9, 2005 IP
  5. dct

    dct Finder of cool gadgets

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    I think spec'ing and ordering a custom build is they way to go. Though it's the least fun it would be the best use of my time.

    This now changes the original question to sites that let me spec out a custom PC, so far I have:
    dct, Jan 9, 2005 IP