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Content Auto Fill? Need Idea

Discussion in 'Content Management' started by wholesalerwholesaler, Feb 24, 2008.

  1. #1
    I am into product sales online and quite frankly finding doing affliate marketing and adsense to be less stress versus selling hard product

    Here is my vision and since I am newbie to content fill I need to know
    some pointers.......

    Can a guy get a blog like Word Press or any similiar vehicle that will autoscrape related content via news articles and blogs to keep new content posting to blog and it runs on auto pilot?

    I have two domains
    creditrescuegroup.com my vision is to build a blog with these domains
    with some form of auto content fill to keep fresh content posting interlaced with my adsense ads?

    Or do you think I should go with something like vbulletin and let people build a community....

    I got the traffic portion under control.... Many sites in my network
    easier to link in...... I am looking for auto content ideas any advice from the
    pros here who might be doing the same thing... Thanks Joe
    wholesalerwholesaler, Feb 24, 2008 IP
  2. Captain99

    Captain99 Peon

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    Hi Joe

    Scraping will do you no good what so ever, this will piss Google off and drop your price per click in an instant, it will always be duplicate by it's very nature.

    Forums are ok if you get the right amount of traffic, user generated content is eaten up by se's, however you will not get a forum on auto pilot, it will need to be watched and cleaned of spammers, moderated etc.

    No easy way in this game I'm affraid Mate.

    Cap :)
    Captain99, Feb 24, 2008 IP
  3. wholesalerwholesaler

    wholesalerwholesaler Peon

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    Cap good advice on duplicate content that totally spaced my mind and was aware. Thats why I am researching for advice and tidbits to formulate some ideas.

    I think a vbulletin forum on a server might be worth chasing or I might just load some content on these domains and sell them for the next goob to enhance or sell a financial related product

    The credit and foreclosure markets are going to be a hot topic for next few years it appears........ Just looking for creative ways to add to my online streams of income thanks for the reply Joe
    wholesalerwholesaler, Feb 24, 2008 IP
  4. Bohol

    Bohol Peon

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    Building a community has been proven to be a good income channel. It takes a lot of hard work but the ROI is worth the effort.
    Bohol, Mar 4, 2008 IP
  5. tlrussell@encorehr.com

    tlrussell@encorehr.com Peon

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    this is exactly what you need....
    tlrussell@encorehr.com, Mar 5, 2008 IP