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Content Management System -- Mambo

Discussion in 'Content Management' started by compar, Nov 13, 2004.

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  1. blueuniverse

    blueuniverse Guest

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    Well, I gave up with it in the end, too much work for me. I think when it is on version 5 and with better SEF urls I may give it another go. (that is unless they've already released v5). I'd still say it's the best, though maybe giving WordPress 1.5 a go as your CMS might be worth it.
    blueuniverse, Feb 15, 2005 IP
  2. john_loch

    john_loch Rodent Slayer

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    I'm pretty sure I saw some security related patchmail a couple of days ago.. you might want to ensure the current stable includes it..


    john_loch, Feb 15, 2005 IP
  3. sarahk

    sarahk iTamer Staff

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    I've been having a Drupal versus Mambo discussion with a friend but since I haven't worked with Drupal and he's worked with neither the debate is a bit limited.

    My mambo site is yet to go live but I've been able to radically change the structure of the template will no ill effects and am using custom components and hacks of standard components (components are the big bits in the middle of the page, modules are the little bits on the sides). I have a few issues with some bits but on the whole I'm very happy with my choice.

    I decided to add a forum yesterday, took less than an hour and $0 to research, download, install, configure and test. I have a project I'm advising on which has been given to another development house (eeew, asp! ) and 3 months later its not finished and the forum isn't ready. If they'd done it with Mambo maybe it would've been.

    sarahk, Feb 15, 2005 IP
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