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Converting RAW to images + thumbnails folders

Discussion in 'Photoshop' started by my44, Apr 5, 2006.

  1. #1
    I'm using Photoshop right now but I thought it can be improved a bit. Any other software you guys can recommend to do this:

    - a bunch of RAW images are converted into separate 440 x 330 images AND 100 x 75 thumbnails
    - the 440 x 330 images to be watermarked with something like ®mywebsite.com with a border

    Any suggestion?
    my44, Apr 5, 2006 IP
  2. nOR

    nOR Peon

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    Photoshop can do all that, better than anything I can think of. Look into action scripts and batch processing. :cool:
    nOR, Apr 6, 2006 IP