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copyright info not printing on page printout, when using print icon

Discussion in 'Content Management' started by gabre, Oct 3, 2007.

  1. #1
    Hello, concerning when printing a page.
    When I use the browser print button to print a page most things on the page will print off, and positioned at the top right of the page the copyright notice that I have placed at the bottom of my template and a bit of text where the template makers link was will print out.

    But when I publish a print icon/text on a page, and use it to print out the page, there is no copyright notice on the page print out.

    There is a close window text printed at the bottom of the page which shows in the print preview screen, perhaps if the copyright is not going to print when using the page print icon then perhaps it is possible to change the close window text to copyright"" etc, but I do not know where to locate it.

    Hope you can help.

    The system I am using is Joomla
    gabre, Oct 3, 2007 IP