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Copyright Music

Discussion in 'General Business' started by Apprentice92, Sep 27, 2021.

  1. #1
    I am writing this post after a month in which gone crazy with this royalty free music.But let's start from the beginning.
    I would like to launch my podcast, hopefully in October. Since I've not experience in this thing, 6 months ago I read some guides and watch some videos.
    I started to do the things to build my format, one of this thing is choose a song for the trailer and the intro of every episode.
    Some of these guide/video suggest royalty free music from Youtube Audio Library so I took 2 of them and I recorded my episodes. Then one days 2 weeks ago I searched on internet and I read of people that said it is not possible use these song outside Youtube and that you need to ask to the author. Other said that instead it is possible because are under creative commons, but I started worried.
    Then I tried to contact the author, I searched for an email, I wrote under every video in the Youtube. But nothing no replies.
    I tried also to send email to guys on Youtube that asked the same question under author videos.
    One did not reply, One said me to ask them and that sooner or later they will answer me, Other two said me that they used the videos without worrying and nothing happened.
    I didn't know what to do so I tried other way and I found this site https://directory.audio/.
    In this site I found the two songs I need, and in the first page is written that you can use the video respecting the license that in this case require only attribution.
    My question is can I? If someone complains I'm safe because the site said the license is that, or I can not trust the site?
    Apprentice92, Sep 27, 2021 IP