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Discussion in 'General Chat' started by jrbiz, Feb 1, 2020.

  1. Spoiltdiva

    Spoiltdiva Acclaimed Member

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    The government of Russia announced yesterday that they are so confident about the clinical trials of their Covid-19 vaccine, that they have begun mass producing it 24/7 from multiple chemical labs. They came out and stated that they would begin offering the vaccine to their citizens as early as October.

    This is truly a positive development, let us hope that other countries will soon follow suit.
    Last edited: Aug 5, 2020
    Spoiltdiva, Aug 5, 2020 IP
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  2. jrbiz

    jrbiz Acclaimed Member

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    Actually, nice to see this type of "who can get a vaccine going first" competition going on around the world. Much better than an arms race.
    jrbiz, Aug 5, 2020 IP
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  3. Spoiltdiva

    Spoiltdiva Acclaimed Member

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    Damn if I didn't once again get "trails" and "trials" mixed up! Thank God for the edit button!:eek:
    Spoiltdiva, Aug 5, 2020 IP
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  4. mmerlinn

    mmerlinn Prominent Member

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    The EDIT button needs to be DISABLED for the word(s) TRAIL(S).

    EVERY time you write TRAILS, the sales of my vaccine scooter skyrocket, then as soon as you edit your post sales PLUNGE.
    mmerlinn, Aug 5, 2020 IP
    jrbiz and Spoiltdiva like this.
  5. jrbiz

    jrbiz Acclaimed Member

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    So, I am being told that your next theme song for the TV campaign will be the Roy Roger's/Dale Evans' theme: "Happy Trails to You..."
    jrbiz, Aug 5, 2020 IP
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  6. jrbiz

    jrbiz Acclaimed Member

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    However, we may have just opened a rift in the space/time continuum because my quote of your original post now differs from the original post. Anyway, you say tomayto, I say tomahto, you say trials, I say trails...
    jrbiz, Aug 5, 2020 IP
  7. mmerlinn

    mmerlinn Prominent Member

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    Yes!!! That would be MUCH better for vaccine scooter sales than a song like "Happy Trials to You..."
    mmerlinn, Aug 5, 2020 IP
    Spoiltdiva and jrbiz like this.
  8. Spoiltdiva

    Spoiltdiva Acclaimed Member

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    Russia has now registered it's vaccine which it calls the Sputnik V vaccine with the World Health Organization. The Russians are claiming that it is 100% effective against the Covid-19 virus. It is now available to Russian doctors who can dispense it to the public as they see fit.

    Vladamir Putin has so much faith in this vaccine that he allowed one of his daughters to be injected with it. He said on state wide t.v. that her only side effect was a fever for 2 days.

    Dr. Anthony Fauci said today that the Moderno vaccine in the U.S. should be widely available sometime this December.
    Last edited: Aug 11, 2020
    Spoiltdiva, Aug 11, 2020 IP
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  9. jrbiz

    jrbiz Acclaimed Member

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    So, the shutdown lunacy continues apace. The little despot governors in blue states are issuing regulations and micro-managing their sheeple to levels never seen. The RINO governor in the People's Republic of Massachusetts recently said bars can only be open if they served food and stomped his jackboots down on bars that were subsequently offering potato chips and not "real food" to get around this idiotic rule for their clients who simply want a drink. The meme below says it all about how bogus all of this really is:

    jrbiz, Aug 13, 2020 IP
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  10. jrbiz

    jrbiz Acclaimed Member

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    I saw this post on FB and it is a copy of a copy, so the original author is completely unknown to me. But it is really a good read for where we are now with the virus:

    Anyone out there who can tell me what our end game is with the covid 19?

    What is the magic formula that is going to allow us to sound the all clear?

    Is it zero cases?
    The only way that will happen is if we just stop testing and stop reporting.

    Is it a vaccine?
    It took 25 years for a chicken pox vaccine to be developed.
    The smallpox inoculation was discovered in 1796 the last known natural case was in 1977.
    We have a flu vaccine that is only 40 to 60% effective and less than half of the US population choose to get one, and roughly 20,000 Americans will die of the flu or flu complications.

    Oh, you'll mandate it, like other vaccines are mandated in order to attend school, travel to some foreign countries, etc.
    We already have a growing number of anti vaxxers refusing proven, tested, well known vaccines that have been administered for decades but aren’t necessarily safe!
    Do you really think people will flock to get a fast tracked, quickly tested vaccine, whose long term side effects and overall efficacy are anyone's best guess?

    How long are we going to cancel and postpone and reconsider?

    You aren't doing in person school until second quarter?
    What if October's numbers are the same as August's?

    You moved football to spring?
    What if next March is worse than this one was?

    When do we decide quality of life outweighs the risks?

    I understand Covid can be deadly or very dangerous for SOME people, but so are strawberries and so is shellfish.

    We take risks multiple times a day without a second thought.

    We know driving a car can be dangerous, we don't leave it in the garage.

    We know the dangers of smoking, drinking and eating fried foods, we do it anyway.

    We speed, we don't buckle our seatbelts, we take more than directed.

    Quite a few people don't think twice about unprotected sex, they just hop right to it.

    Is hugging Grandma really more dangerous than rush hour on the freeway?

    Is going out with friends after work more risky than 4 day old gas station sushi?

    Or operating a chainsaw?

    When and how did we so quickly lose our free will?

    Is there a waiver somewhere I can sign that says, "I understand the risks, but I choose a life with Hugs and Smiles, and the State Fair and Concerts and Homecoming."

    I understand that there is a minuscule possibility I could die, but I will most likely end up feeling like crap for a few days.

    I understand I could possibly pass it to someone else, if I'm not careful, but I can pass any virus onto someone else.

    I'm struggling to see where or how this ends.

    We either get busy living or we get busy dying.

    When God decides it's your time, you don't get any mulligans, so I guess I would rather spend my time enjoying it and living in the moment and not worrying about what ifs and maybes, and I bet I'm not the only one.
    jrbiz, Aug 26, 2020 IP
    mmerlinn likes this.
  11. Profit Monkey

    Profit Monkey Peon Affiliate Manager

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    Very well said, thank you for sharing.
    Profit Monkey, Aug 27, 2020 IP
  12. jrbiz

    jrbiz Acclaimed Member

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    So, my day job company is in hiring mode because we recently won some contracts that had been in the works prior to the shutdown. What we are hearing from the candidates interviewing is that they have seen a sea-change in the hiring landscape the past couple of weeks. A couple of them opined that it seems like a large number of companies have decided that "the virus is over" and it is time to get back to work and hiring.

    Fingers crossed that this is a trend that will continue...
    jrbiz, Aug 29, 2020 IP
  13. Spoiltdiva

    Spoiltdiva Acclaimed Member

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    Up here where I am it's as if people have accepted that the Covid-19 will be followed by a Covid-20 and then by a Covid-21 etc. and have decided to get on with it. Wearing masks is becoming mandatory and is generally the socially accepted thing to do. Social distancing is the norm here and John Q. Public is on board with the government. Jobs and the economy are steaming along, fear has been replaced by necessity.

    It's all working out and Canada has only had about 9,000 deaths so far due to the pandemic, and only gets a few hundred new cases a day.
    Last edited: Aug 29, 2020
    Spoiltdiva, Aug 29, 2020 IP
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  14. jrbiz

    jrbiz Acclaimed Member

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    People outside of the U.S. are likely wondering why such a large portion of its citizens are not believing the federal or, in fact, much of any government pronouncements when it comes to masks, social distancing, or anything Covid-19, for that matter. And it will be no different if and when a vaccine is approved. I attribute this complete distrust of government on what the Kenyan did to undermine such trust over the years with his Chicago-style political thuggery (don't forget that he was such a cog in the Chicago machine that he had the legendary Mayor Daley's son as his Chief of Staff in the White House for a while.) It first came to light when he politically weaponized the IRS (its head at the time pleaded the Fifth so as not to criminally implicate herself by testifying on that corruption in Congress.) Then, he went on to politically weaponize the DOJ (remember him getting caught illegally spying on a Fox News reporter's parents?) Then he politically weaponized the FBI and the intelligence agencies to spy on Trump both before and after the 2016 election. The public then saw his moles, still ensconced in the Swamp, continue to perpetrate hoaxes, fake news leaks, etc., after Trump had assumed office and before he could root them all out (still a work in progress, in fact.)

    When you also then factor in the Fake News blatant bias and constant nonsense, it is little wonder that when truth might actually be being told, it is viewed skeptically, at best. BTW, I believe that, while the Kenyan's actions had short term political benefits for him, he also knew fully well that he was also would be destroying the peoples' faith in their government and that was part of his master plan to "transform" the country by ripping it apart into chaos and defeat. We will see some evidence as to how well his evil plans have worked come the November election.
    jrbiz, Aug 29, 2020 IP
  15. mmerlinn

    mmerlinn Prominent Member

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    Americans have a history of distrusting government and rebelling going back thousands of years, so what we are seeing today with CV is really nothing new.
    mmerlinn, Aug 29, 2020 IP
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  16. Spoiltdiva

    Spoiltdiva Acclaimed Member

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    I thought that the first "Americans" were the settlers of Jamestown in 1607.
    Last edited: Aug 29, 2020
    Spoiltdiva, Aug 29, 2020 IP
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  17. mmerlinn

    mmerlinn Prominent Member

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    Look up Richard ap Meric, variously spelt Merick, Merrick, etc. of Bristol, England who owned a shipping company based in Bristol. His ships plied the waters between Bristol, Spain, Iceland, and "lands to the West." For a time, Christopher Columbus was a sailor on Richard's ships before eventually "discovering" America even though there is no record of Columbus ever sailing to the "lands to the West" on Richard's ships.
    mmerlinn, Aug 29, 2020 IP
  18. jrbiz

    jrbiz Acclaimed Member

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    It is not new, but it feels to me as being the worst I have ever seen it in the ~45 years that I have been following politics. I do not recall the IRS, the DOJ, or the FBI as having been viewed so poorly and deservedly so. They and other such "enforcement" government agencies typically had tried to keep a firewall between them and the politicians, until the Kenyan totally corrupted them.
    jrbiz, Aug 29, 2020 IP
  19. Spoiltdiva

    Spoiltdiva Acclaimed Member

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    Nice try, but it still does not make it *THOUSANDS* of years that Americans have been "distrusting and rebelling".;)
    Spoiltdiva, Aug 29, 2020 IP
  20. mmerlinn

    mmerlinn Prominent Member

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    I gave you a starting point. All that needs to be done is to backtrack from there to see that what I said is absolutely correct. It is pointless for me to do any more than that when one has a closed mind.

    Reminds me of the time when the CONSENSUS was that the Earth was FLAT even though it is not. Same thing here, the consensus as you so ably expressed is that the first Americans were in 1607, but consensus is not fact - consensus is only the OPINION of the majority.
    mmerlinn, Aug 29, 2020 IP