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Discussion in 'General Chat' started by jrbiz, Feb 1, 2020.

  1. JoeSpirit

    JoeSpirit Well-Known Member

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    I don't think the media is helping either.

    I read mention of this from a colleague in England and wondered the same thing. Haven't gotten any details on it yet.
    JoeSpirit, Mar 8, 2020 IP
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  2. jrbiz

    jrbiz Acclaimed Member

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    There is no doubt that, in the U,S., anyway, there were two primary reasons why the press jumped on this "crisis" and pumped it up to levels that are not really justified: 1., it sells newspapers/clicks and 2., with all of their other hoaxes gone, they were hoping that they could pin a massive pandemic on Trump. It is selling newspapers (along with hand sanitizer, face masks, etc.) to their gullible, low-information readers and seems to now have expanded into the business community. Cancel SWSX over the flu??? Actually, it is scary how lemming-like so many supposed "leaders" are these days. You expect the politicians to feed the flames a bit to make it look like they are working and in charge, but to see businesspeople do stupid things that will cost them significant money is disheartening, in fact.

    Anecdote: Last Monday, my company finally got the follow up appointment with a major corporation that we have been working for months and months (after our initial meeting in the Fall.) On Wednesday, late in the day, I get a call from the main decisionmaker/budget holder and she asked if any of my team that were planning to attend had been out of the country recently? I was able to truthfully reply that none had, so that was the end of the call and the meeting was still on. When we showed up Friday morning for the meeting, she had to ask (new company policy) for each one of us, individually, to respond verbally to the same question she had posed to me on Wednesday. This is a multi-national, multi-billion dollar company with offices all over the world. They have stopped all international travel indefinitely.

    So, the fake news media has been very good at taking advantage of people while selling their hype. Not so much for their other important goal which was to try to bring down Trump in the polls by tying the virus to him. Trump, ever the PR-savvy guy, saw this early and actually stopped travel with China way before this was on anyone's radar screens. And, he is really good at pointing this out along with all of the other things that the government is doing to prevent an outbreak. So, this part of their strategy has been yet another massive failure on the part of the Left.

    However, we continue along with a mass hysteria that one airline executive likened to the post-9-11 drop in air traffic. Crazy.
    jrbiz, Mar 8, 2020 IP
  3. mmerlinn

    mmerlinn Prominent Member

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    Why take them? Well, SOMEONE must PAY for their development EVEN IF THEY ARE A YEAR TOO LATE.

    As for me, the ONLY time I have ever been vaccinated against ANYTHING is when the Government thugs FORCED the vaccines on me.

    Do I ever get the flu? RARELY, maybe once per DECADE. And then only because of my own stupidity.

    Vitamin D is known to combat the flu, so if one spends 15 minutes per day outside, rain or shine, the body's Vitamin D store is recharged. I make sure I spend at least 15 minutes per day outside NO MATTER WHAT THE WEATHER IS LIKE.

    In those RARE instances where I have married myself to the flu, I immediately start eating ORANGES, at least 10 to 20 oranges in 24 hours. In LESS than 2 days I have divorced the flu.
    mmerlinn, Mar 8, 2020 IP
    JoeSpirit, jrbiz and Spoiltdiva like this.
  4. Spoiltdiva

    Spoiltdiva Acclaimed Member

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    I like it, unlike millions of sheeple/lemmings, I have no intention of stocking up on toilet paper and paper face masks. I for one intend to stock up on oranges instead.:)
    Spoiltdiva, Mar 8, 2020 IP
    JoeSpirit, jrbiz and mmerlinn like this.
  5. qwikad.com

    qwikad.com Illustrious Member Affiliate Manager

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    On the other hand, we went to Cracker Barrel after church today and the place was packed. We (and the people here) are either downright stupid or simply don't care about what's going on with the rest of the country. Plus, they are having the bike week at Daytona Beach this week. Thousands of people pour from all over for this event. Seeing that makes me wonder what % of the US population actually cares about coronavirus... I think it's very small.
    qwikad.com, Mar 8, 2020 IP
    JoeSpirit, mmerlinn and jrbiz like this.
  6. jrbiz

    jrbiz Acclaimed Member

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    I hope that you are right. I have a military supplier conference just outside of Boston this week and it has not been cancelled, but it sure seems like a lot of events are being called off.

    If I were to eat the 10-20 oranges in 24 hours as cited by @mmerlinn I would have enough heartburn emanating from my body to kill any virus: corona, ebola, leprosy, bubonic plague, etc. :)
    jrbiz, Mar 8, 2020 IP
    Spoiltdiva likes this.
  7. mmerlinn

    mmerlinn Prominent Member

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    The only downside I have found when eating so many oranges in such a short period of time is diarrhea. The sicker I am, the more oranges it takes to get to that point.

    As far as heartburn is concerned the ONLY thing that I have found that will give me heartburn is pork products. Once I discovered that I swore off anything containing pork.

    Every few years or so I will accidentally eat something new that gives me heartburn. When I go back and check, sure enough it contains a pork product that I had missed. The problem I have found is that many products do NOT always explicitly label an ingredient as a "pork" ingredient. "Lard" is an example, but since 'everyone' knows that lard comes from pigs, that one is easy to catch. Most 100% beef, chicken, turkey, etc. sausage links are sold in pork casings, but many do not explicitly say "pork" or "pig" casing. But give me one to eat, and if it is a pork casing, BOOM, heartburn!
    mmerlinn, Mar 8, 2020 IP
    jrbiz likes this.
  8. sarahk

    sarahk iTamer Staff

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    What vaccines does the American government force on you?

    Most countries allow anti-vaxxers to choose, don't they? The only time I've seen pushback in NZ is in the choice of early childhood learning centre but they're private businesses.

    I suspect the Western Samoans are reconsidering their anti-vax stance after losing 83 people to measles last year.
    sarahk, Mar 8, 2020 IP
  9. mmerlinn

    mmerlinn Prominent Member

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    Don't know which vaccines but I had no choice when I was in the military.

    Five U.S. states (California, West Virginia, Mississippi, New York, and Maine) have laws so narrow in scope that school children cannot be exempted from vaccination even if the parents object on religious grounds.

    What bothers me is that some vaccines contain mercury, a very poisonous element that has been banned for many uses, but is ok to inject into someone's body. Makes no sense at all.
    mmerlinn, Mar 9, 2020 IP
  10. JoeSpirit

    JoeSpirit Well-Known Member

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    Newspapers? They still have those?

    This morning's news had a report from a couple in Australia. They thought they'd ordered a box of 48 rolls of toilet paper. Turns out they'd ordered 48 boxes. They said they plan to sell a few of them.

    I just take Vitamin C pills. Works for me.

    Military and when traveling abroad. When I was 18 I went to Thailand. Had to take a whole chorus of shots required by the Fed.

    Didn't the Governor of Texas require that teenage girls take the human papilloma vaccine a couple years back? I remember reading about that.
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 9, 2020
    JoeSpirit, Mar 9, 2020 IP
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  11. jrbiz

    jrbiz Acclaimed Member

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    Good point. I suppose I should have said that it is great clickbait? :)
    jrbiz, Mar 9, 2020 IP
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  12. Spoiltdiva

    Spoiltdiva Acclaimed Member

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    I buy 1 newspaper every week. I use the sheets to light my fireplace in the mornings. There is something comforting about sitting in my armchair reading a newspaper, while listening to the crackling of burning wood.

    Yesterday I went to a grocery store and was shocked to see the shelves 100% sold out of toilet paper. I talked to the store manager and he said that they were completely sold out and had no stock left in the back. They have ordered more but were not sure when they would get the order. He said that people are planning to use the sheets of toilet paper to line the inside of the paper face masks every day. That way they don't have to throw away the disposable masks after a single use.
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 9, 2020
    Spoiltdiva, Mar 9, 2020 IP
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  13. jrbiz

    jrbiz Acclaimed Member

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    I actually buy a newspaper every day (and two on Sunday.) They have gotten thinner and thinner while the price goes up and up. Paper newspapers are in a death spiral, of course, and I am really going to miss them. I have tried to get my kids hooked on the Sunday funnies, at least, but it has been to no avail.

    Unbelievable! Prepping for what is mostly a mild flu, if you catch it and are not elderly with underlying conditions (which means, to me, that the next flu that person catches, Coronavirus or not, could be fatal.) I need to add a third shift to my tinfoil hat production line. My latest model will have a face mask holder that you can fill with new toilet paper every day. May even have a toilet roll dispenser on top so you can keep a whole roll of it handy!
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 9, 2020
    jrbiz, Mar 9, 2020 IP
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  14. Spoiltdiva

    Spoiltdiva Acclaimed Member

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    The experts recommend that you never place used toilet paper into the masks. ;)
    Spoiltdiva, Mar 9, 2020 IP
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  15. jrbiz

    jrbiz Acclaimed Member

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    Will add that to the Users Manual...
    jrbiz, Mar 9, 2020 IP
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  16. jrbiz

    jrbiz Acclaimed Member

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    Someone just forwarded me this:

    Corona virus kills 3,000 people and we all lose our shit...Obesity kills 300,000 annually and we come out with a new Doritos flavor.
    jrbiz, Mar 9, 2020 IP
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  17. Spoiltdiva

    Spoiltdiva Acclaimed Member

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    They have a new Doritos flavor? I'll trade you 10 rolls of toilet paper, 5 oranges and 2 paper face masks for your bag of new flavored Doritos.
    Spoiltdiva, Mar 9, 2020 IP
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  18. jrbiz

    jrbiz Acclaimed Member

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    New in 2020:


    And I will throw in a tinfoil hat with the deluxe toilet paper dispenser roll on top!
    jrbiz, Mar 9, 2020 IP
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  19. sarahk

    sarahk iTamer Staff

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    That's hysterical. I don't trust the Government with my health but I trust their politics and am happy to be the blunt weapon forcing said politics on the world
    sarahk, Mar 9, 2020 IP
  20. Evan115

    Evan115 Peon

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    Epoch Times declares: Recently, the Washington Post made an unfair report on Falun Dafa in the essay ‘The latest target of racist rumors about coronavirus:The ubiquitous dance troupe Shen Yun’. The Washington Post also said that China did better than America in treating with Covid-19, which was regarded as a public praise for the communist party of China by Epoch Times.
    Though Trump has been slow to respond to the Covid-19 epidemic, the epidemic situation is now under the control. It is a good news for Falun Dafa that Trump hasn’t canceled any large gatherings in order to seek re-election. The master of Falun Dafa appreciated Trump for his acquiescence to Shen Yun’s continued performance. Falun Dafa can eliminate all the existing virus. It will be incompatible with Falun Dafa if practitioners wear mask like ordinary beings.
    Evan115, Mar 9, 2020 IP