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Discussion in 'Social Networks' started by sryder, Nov 21, 2007.

  1. #1
    Can somebody please give me a quick run down on how Digg.com works? Not really familar with it and wondering if it would help with my site with articles like this: http://www.autouniversity.com/scn/article/ArtID/77

    Not sure too much about it... any thoughts would be great!

    sryder, Nov 21, 2007 IP
  2. VerizonGo

    VerizonGo Peon

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    Alright, you submit a story, and people either Digg or Bury it. Once it gets enough Diggs it goes to the front page, then your website crashes and you don't make any money. If your story makes the frontpage and your server dosent crash you will get about 45000 visitors and make a ton of money.
    VerizonGo, Nov 21, 2007 IP
  3. TroyM

    TroyM Well-Known Member

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    It is a social bookmarking site. You need to create an account and bookmark your articles and make it public not private...Do not spam.........
    It will help......
    Good luck..
    TroyM, Nov 21, 2007 IP
  4. aydoubleyou

    aydoubleyou Peon

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    It's a website that allows users to decide what is important news and what is not.

    The Digg user base is the source of all the content you see on Digg.com. If a user submits a story, it is added to the "Upcoming" section. If your article does well here, and gets noticed, more users Digg it... if enough Digg it within a short amount of time then it may get put on the "Popular" page, which is the page you see when you first load Digg.

    Even if you dont make it to the popular page though, your article might get a lot of quality clicks from Digg users. Ive had articles get only 10 total diggs and I still get traffic with that.

    VerizonGo mentioned that your server might crash if you make the front page. Also known as the "Digg Effect". So if you think you have some real, quality, unique info to share with the Digg community... make sure you have the bandwidth.

    In my opinion, any content you have is worth submitting to Digg. It can do absolutely nothing for your traffic, or it can be the miracle you've been dreaming of. Just depends on the article and your timing for submitting it really.

    Good luck. and yes.. dont spam. And dont submit crap.... Digg users are very critical.
    aydoubleyou, Nov 21, 2007 IP