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Directory Scams

Discussion in 'General Chat' started by anthonycea, Feb 6, 2005.

  1. #1
    We have a lot of new directory sites introduced everyday, but are some of them just collecting information for future email spam campaigns?

    Shawn has mentioned that the ONLY directory he submitted to was DMOZ, I know that when I submitted to the Zeezo directory they started coming up in the SERP's high for our domain when I conducted a search on it. :eek:

    Can submitting to a lot of directories or every directory get you in trouble, what if the SE's brand some of them as link farms, could you be hurt :confused: :confused:

    Please give you opinion of this situation because it will surely affect you soon.
    anthonycea, Feb 6, 2005 IP
  2. ResaleBroker

    ResaleBroker Active Member

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    Not including 302 redirects, it's my understanding that you will not be penalized because of a link that points "TO" you.
    ResaleBroker, Feb 6, 2005 IP
  3. anthonycea

    anthonycea Banned

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    What about submitting your email address to all these new "so-called" directories, could this be a easy way for these operators to get a database list that can be rented out for spam email campaigns?? :confused:

    What about those that require a reciprocal link, could they be branded as link farms down the road? :confused:

    Should you be careful or just get all the links you can from anywhere? :confused:
    anthonycea, Feb 6, 2005 IP
  4. ResaleBroker

    ResaleBroker Active Member

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    Sure, I can see that happening. Of course, I don't use my primary or personal email address. I use aliases and a "catch-all" to combat this type of thing.
    Of course, every directory is different and I'm sure some are/will be considered a link farm. All the more reason to be careful who you link to.
    Personally, I pay close attention to what sites I link with. As an example, in January alone I declined sixty-six (66) requests from others to exchange links.
    ResaleBroker, Feb 6, 2005 IP