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Does a cheap dedicated server exist?

Discussion in 'General Chat' started by fryman, Feb 19, 2005.

  1. #1
    Today I got back home and saw my website suspended. I contacted my hosting company and they say that it was because of "system abuse", whatever that means.

    Someone told me that maybe my site is using too much cpu power and I should get a dedicated server. The problem is that they all offer a gazillion gigabytes of transfer and cost several hundred dollars. All I need is a few hundred megas in disk space and 100gb in bandwidth would be more than enough. Does anyone know of somewhere I can get something like this? 1000gb a month, I would never in my life use that much bandwidth and no use spending so much on it.

    Any help would be apreciated.
    fryman, Feb 19, 2005 IP
  2. maverick

    maverick Peon

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    I am not sure how much you are being charged now and how much you are willing to pay but if you just need some pointers, I would like to give one. (no profits in mind at this moment while helping you out).

    Just click here and scroll down a little on the right & look for the web hosting advertisement (I believe its just few bucks per month for webhosting).

    The link is also in my signature.
    And I found the users with good feedback using this webhosting.

    Go ahead if you like it.
    maverick, Feb 19, 2005 IP
  3. fryman

    fryman Kiss my rep

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    Damn it, my site was Dos'ed!! WTF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Who the hell would want to dos my site?????

    I am just so pissed off! I have been worrying about this since I got back home, it is now 5:00 a.m.

    At least my site is back online, so now I'll try to get some sleep :D
    fryman, Feb 19, 2005 IP
  4. maverick

    maverick Peon

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    Try to put a GIF validation code for homepage to avoid bandwidth use due to DOS. That worked perfect for one of my developed web applications for a client.
    maverick, Feb 19, 2005 IP
  5. fryman

    fryman Kiss my rep

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    Care to discuss more about this? I really have no idea of what you are talking about, lol
    fryman, Feb 19, 2005 IP
  6. maverick

    maverick Peon

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    "my site was Dos'ed" I considered this statement as your site was dos'ed by some attack and it was giving away bandwidth because of that. One of my application had faced such problem, where we introduced a GIF image text validation (like hotmail yahoo has while user registrations - enter the GIF image text etc.) on the homepage. Due to this, the Dos attack could not access the homepage easily and we saved our bandwidth and our usage reduced drastically in a day. Let me know if you got it, so I would like to explain if you need.
    maverick, Feb 19, 2005 IP