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Does MySpace (no comment spam) traffic converts on dating/adult dating sites?

Discussion in 'Social Networks' started by Idiot Inside, Dec 5, 2007.

  1. #1
    I have chance of buying banner spot on a high traffic MySpace layouts site with 50%+ traffic from US.

    Since banner costs around $3,000, I am little skeptical about buying it .. I want to advertise dating website, where I will get paid based on number of sales I generate.

    Anyone have idea that MySpace people will join and actually pay for an adult dating website? I doubt it, basically because most MySpace visitors are of age lower than 18 and have no credit cards.

    Am I right on it? Anybody have any experience?

    Anyone think otherwise?

    Advice will be appreciated.

    Thank you.
    Idiot Inside, Dec 5, 2007 IP
  2. InformationEmpire

    InformationEmpire Active Member

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    Ouch! Thats expensive! I certainly would not spend that much cash on an ad (especially a banner!) until I had done a small test first to see if the traffic was substantial enough and if it converted. If the site is not willing to let you test cheaply, avoid it.

    It also doesn't sound like a very good target to me. They are two completley different markets. You wouldn't expect to sell flowers on a plumbers website, and that's the same principle here.

    There are hundreds of better ways of spending $3000 on ads than this! Save your money.
    InformationEmpire, Dec 5, 2007 IP
  3. suhack

    suhack Peon

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    You've got to ask that website to give you a test account. Say for 100,000 impressions. If that works, you'll take the spot on a monthly basis.

    Don't buy any banner ads without testing it out. It may work on some sites while it may not work on others with the same content. You've got to test it out without spending big bucks on it.
    suhack, Dec 5, 2007 IP
  4. Idiot Inside

    Idiot Inside Well-Known Member

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    Thank you for suggestion guys.

    I was thinking same, to buy banner spot for 24 hrs for say $70-$80 and then decide.

    uhm.. are the nearly similar? I think, a social networking addict (only addicts will visit layout and background sites, right?) is likely to join another social network (dedicated to dating/adult dating) .. what you say?

    Anyone actually tried sending myspace visitors to dating sites?
    Idiot Inside, Dec 5, 2007 IP
  5. ForgottenCreature

    ForgottenCreature Notable Member

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    You can just hire people with a ton of myspace friends to help you promote your dating site. Comments don't help, but bulletins do.
    ForgottenCreature, Dec 6, 2007 IP
  6. fotrino

    fotrino Active Member

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    Yes. thats true :)
    if u r interested take a look at my sign :)
    fotrino, Dec 6, 2007 IP
  7. InformationEmpire

    InformationEmpire Active Member

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    Social networking is just a medium. You can have social networks for poker players, but it doesn't mean your average myspace user will be interested in joining that too! Only the ones that are interested in poker.

    Its the same here, you can't assume that just because someone uses a social network like myspace that they are also interested in dating!

    I use myspace everyday, and most of my friends do too, but I've never used a dating site or anything like that, and I can safely assume that my friends don't either because most of them have boyfriends/girlfriends.

    I really do think you are looking at two totally different markets here and that your ad budget would better spent on more targetted marketing.

    How do you think your banner would pull if it was on a dating information site?? A LOT better than on a myspace layout site! That's just obvious, yes?

    Good luck! :)
    InformationEmpire, Dec 6, 2007 IP