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Dreamweaver CS3 problem with file.

Discussion in 'Photoshop' started by boythatmarkets, Aug 8, 2007.

  1. #1
    Hi all-

    I've started my very first blog a few days ago- and the template (this is a wordpress blog btw) is or was made with dreamweaver, hmm.. Was wondering can I edit the banner somehow still? Like ive done it before with an image as in photoshop wordpress templ.

    But neverr dreamweaver- its the "header" file which is a dreamweaver one. Can I somehow convert it into Photoshop (only got v 7.0) to fix up a banner n make it work?

    Check out my site if u think it mite be a problem; beukesblog(dotcom) I cant make links yet, just make sure to add world wide wed infront. And the dotcom is a real dotcom- not words

    boythatmarkets, Aug 8, 2007 IP
  2. data-analyse

    data-analyse Active Member

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    theres always CTRL+PrintScreen and paste it into Photoshop...
    data-analyse, Aug 10, 2007 IP
  3. ansi

    ansi Well-Known Member

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    start->control panel->add/remove programs then find dreamweaver. next goto www.editplus.com and voila, problem solved.
    as for the header being a "dreamweaver" file, it's simply a plain text php file (likely) that you can edit in ANY text editor.
    ansi, Aug 10, 2007 IP
  4. longhornfreak

    longhornfreak Well-Known Member

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    You go to your sites ftp, download the image for the header, and change it in photoshop and then re-up it to your site's ftp

    and if your talking about the text, open (right click>open with program> choose dream weaver from list) your index.php or html, or what ever file wordpress uses for the template (might be index.inc.php) and then press ctrl + F and put

    and change the text from there
    longhornfreak, Aug 10, 2007 IP