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E-cigarettes containing nicotine linked to raised heart attack risk

Discussion in 'General Chat' started by dscurlock, Sep 20, 2017.

  1. #1
    Do you use ecigs? Then you got to read this article that links ecigs to
    higher risk of having a heart attack. You will find a lot of argument over
    the past few years concerning safty ecig vs smoking cigarettes. We all know
    that nicotine is addictive, and there are 200+ position chemicals in smoke.
    however, I am not sure the exact ingredients found in e-juice....

    It is fact and ture that vaping and smoking does increase blood pressure, and their facts are based on higher blood pressure will lead to attack! and it is a fact that untreated blood pressure of any kind can lead to health issues, or even attack, even death if not treated....

    I think the article is sponsored by big tobacco or the pharma industry....

    Did you know:
    • An sedentary lifestyle can lead to an early death?
    (We are meant to move around, not sit still and eat chips, watch TV,
    as a society, we are far weaker today, then in the days of the caveman....)

    • caffeine can raise your blood pressure.
    Did you know caffeine can increase your blood pressure? Does that mean your are more likely to have a heart attack as a result of caffeine? Sure, why not?

    • Poor lifestyle can lead to heart attack...
    Did you know a poor life style can kill you? You do not exercise, you eat fried foods, you eat junk good, you do not exercise, and you play with shotguns....​

    Do you see the point I am trying to make with their junk ecig/vaping case study? Every poor habit/lifestyle choice you make can surely increase your heart attack potential & risk.

    Show me a real case study, like:
    As a result of vaping from 100 volunteers, we
    found that 99 participants had a heart attack....

    fake vaping news source:

    Tools for today:

    1 ecig
    1 blood pressure pill
    (I am ready to go....)

    With that being said, anything that increases your blood pressure
    could cause health issues, or even bring on a heart attack! Has it
    been proven that vaping has caused heart attacks, or is just potential
    or risk of having a attack like other bad lifestyle choices "could" lead too...
    Last edited: Sep 20, 2017
    dscurlock, Sep 20, 2017 IP
  2. sarahk

    sarahk iTamer Staff

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    Any substance that you put into your lungs is a risk - be it car fumes, cigarettes or vaping. The argument is that vaping is safer - not safe, just safer.

    I'm all for helping people quit but the folk I see vaping have no intention of quitting, they've just transferred their addiction. Time will tell but I'm pretty sure the long-term effects aren't going to be pretty.

    And, yeah, big tobacco aren't going down without a fight so it's always prudent to question studies/research that get published.
    sarahk, Sep 20, 2017 IP
  3. dscurlock

    dscurlock Prominent Member

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    anything that is (not good for you) that you consume such as food/drink, or other
    can lead to a higher potential/risk of death....

    however, I think the facts of the article is misleading, showing no proof that
    vaping has in fact caused a heart attack, and then that person would need a complete
    workup in order to determine what caused the heart attack, and I assume they
    will think just because he/she vaped, then that was the factor of the heart attack.
    (maybe it was, maybe it was a combination of factors, or had nothing to do with it at all....)

    over all, what is the agenda of big pharma/tobacco of putting out such articles?
    If I stop vaping, there is a "zero" chance that I would ever pick up a cig ever again...
    once you have been vaping for a while, then go for a "real" smoke, the taste
    and smell of the cigarette is so god awful repelling that I never even think about smoking again.

    are they concerned for my health...
    I dont think so...
    the article has a reason, however, there are
    no links any factual proven case studies.
    (ie another fake ecig article....)

    I do have blood pressure issues, however, I had this issue long before
    I ever picked up my first cigarette, since vaping, had not had a smoke
    in the last 2-3 years now, and people have been vaping longer then me....

    all I have seen to-date is base-less claims attempting
    or discourage ecig users to stop vaping....

    I am not saying that ecigs or vaping is "safe" or "safer"
    what I am not seeing is any legitimate proof, mostly
    rehashed info from one site to the next, and consumers
    thinking they are safe just because they inhale, however...
    (I have not seen anything to prove otherwise, yet...)
    Last edited: Sep 20, 2017
    dscurlock, Sep 20, 2017 IP
  4. sarahk

    sarahk iTamer Staff

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    Clinical trials of vaping are going to be limited because the "patients" will be subjected to potential harm and it's virtually impossible to have a placebo group. There's also the length of time that it takes for the harm to be detectable.

    The tests would all have to be on animals - and there are huge politics about that.

    I always looked at HRT treatment as a smoking gun. For decades it was seen as a treatment that had no downside, if you tolerated the short-term side effects then it was perfect - and then almost overnight a stack of trials came out saying that there were huge risks. It just took time to collate the data in enough quantity that you could rule out economics, other health factors, age, race and see the real trends. Vaping will be no different.
    sarahk, Sep 20, 2017 IP
    jrbiz likes this.
  5. jrbiz

    jrbiz Acclaimed Member

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    The trouble with most of these medical "studies" is that they are done statistically (We looked at 1,000 patients and observed X, Y, and Z. No idea on why or how, just here is what seems to have happened.) This is because, IMO, medicine remains more art form than science. That is why one year you hear that caffeine is bad and then another year that caffeine is good. Just like eggs, wine, fats, carbs, etc., etc., etc. Bottomline, medicine certainly has progressed from a couple of centuries ago when bleeding a patient was seen as state-of-the-art therapy (and likely killed George Washington who was receiving the best medical care at the time) but not so much that people 200 years from now won't shake their heads in dismay over the barbaric treatment options and therapies that we offer now (Can you believe that they used to cut out body parts, burn you with radiation or pump your body full of poisonous chemicals to treat cancer?)
    jrbiz, Sep 21, 2017 IP
  6. dscurlock

    dscurlock Prominent Member

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    I have read about people smoking for 30-40-50+ years without having cancer, heart attack, etc...
    however, every human body has different tolerances
    I assure you, treatments were not all that good back then...
    I cant remember the name, but a president got shot, however, he really
    did not die as a result of the bullet, and most likely died as a result of doctor
    hacking through his body attempting to get the bullet out....

    The moment it is proven that someone has died of a heart attack from using ecigs,
    then the first lawsuit will get big money, then you will see labels on all ecigs...
    Warning: using ecigs may cause heart attack, which may lead to "death"
    dscurlock, Sep 21, 2017 IP
  7. sarahk

    sarahk iTamer Staff

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    I wouldn't be worried about heart attacks as much as emphysema.
    Our lungs are designed for relatively clean air - we've added pollution, perfumes, we mess with humidity and we breathe recirculated air. Now people are adding in a stack of new chemicals... what do they do to the delicate lung lining?
    sarahk, Sep 21, 2017 IP
    jrbiz likes this.
  8. qwikad.com

    qwikad.com Illustrious Member Affiliate Manager

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    Don't forget gums and teeth. It may take a decade or two, but eventually you will have to say bye-bye to some of your teeth if you smoke regular cigarettes. E-cigarettes most likely do not have the same harmful effect. All in all the benefits outweigh the harm associated with smoking e-cigarettes.
    qwikad.com, Sep 21, 2017 IP
    jrbiz likes this.
  9. sarahk

    sarahk iTamer Staff

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    There are clinical trials?
    sarahk, Sep 21, 2017 IP
  10. qwikad.com

    qwikad.com Illustrious Member Affiliate Manager

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    I am not saying that there's absolutely no harmful effects on gums and teeth from e-cigs. Obviously there is since nicotine is the #1 contributer to gum tissue related issues. But the tar and other harmful chemicals in reg. cigarettes can exacerbate the negative impact.

    My dad started smoking in his early teens. By the time he was 58 he had a severe gum disease (don't remember exactly what it was). His teeth were in such terrible shape that they had to pull them all. He died from lung cancer at the young age of 62.
    qwikad.com, Sep 22, 2017 IP
  11. sarahk

    sarahk iTamer Staff

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    I don't know how old my Dad was when he started smoking but he died the week before his 47th birthday. His brothers all died young (but not that young). His mother and her sister made it to 90+ and 101. Gotta be something good about clean living.
    sarahk, Sep 22, 2017 IP
  12. jrbiz

    jrbiz Acclaimed Member

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    A doctor once told me "Make no mistake, 100% of smokers will develop and die from emphysema if they live long enough. Many, however, die of something else first."
    jrbiz, Sep 22, 2017 IP
    sarahk likes this.