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embedding metadata in images (in Photoshop)

Discussion in 'Photoshop' started by Pixelrage, Aug 28, 2007.

  1. #1
    This is a feature I've ignored for years. Last night, I attempted to save some metadata in a JPG, through File > File Info. I filled in the fields for "document title", "author", "description" and "keywords" and checked off "copyrighted". I then clicked OK, and re-saved the JPG. I closed the image, then opened it up again in Photoshop and went back to File Info - but all of the data I saved didn't appear - all of the fields were blank.

    How do you get the meta information to save?! I can't see why that didn't work...
    Pixelrage, Aug 28, 2007 IP
  2. eruct

    eruct Well-Known Member

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    I don't know what version of Photoshop you have but when I do it in CS2 it works fine.

    There is a brief tutorial here: www.depiction.net/tutorials/photoshop/fileinfonotes.php
    but it's not much different than what you already did...
    eruct, Aug 28, 2007 IP
  3. Pixelrage

    Pixelrage Peon

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    I have CS2 as well...I actually tried doing this at work - I have CS3 there. It worked fine! I can't imagine why it's not working with CS2....I'll try using Adobe Bridge and see if that works.

    I have a feeling that this has a lot to do with getting good SERP's for google image results.
    Pixelrage, Aug 28, 2007 IP