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Facebook, Instagram are down

Discussion in 'General Chat' started by qwikad.com, Oct 4, 2021.

  1. #1
    It has been 4 hours for me. Are they down where you are at?
    qwikad.com, Oct 4, 2021 IP
  2. sarahk

    sarahk iTamer Staff

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    it's all over tiktok and twitter. Lots of conspiracy theories etc. I haven't seen any credible explanation yet but it's pretty significant. You'd think they'd have redundancy built into their network so that if a datacentre fell over there would be others to keep the site going, therefore it must be something bigger than that. DDOS? forgot to renew the domain name? did they let an intern upload some untested code? If it was legal you'd think they'd say.
    sarahk, Oct 4, 2021 IP
  3. qwikad.com

    qwikad.com Illustrious Member Affiliate Manager

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    Supposedly, it was DNS related.

    Facebook is down haiku:

    qwikad.com, Oct 4, 2021 IP