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Fading colors with save to web

Discussion in 'Photoshop' started by crb187, Jun 5, 2012.

  1. #1
    When I save to web colors are fading badly. I know this has been covered and trust me i have tried everything suggested on a whole load of different forums but nothing seems to work. I have color management turned off, and I'm working in RGB with my working space as 'Monitor RGB iMac'.

    Interestingly when I'm in the save to web dialog, and change the preview to 'internet RGB no color management', the preview matches the original exactly.

    Any help would be so appreciated. It's driving me mad.

    crb187, Jun 5, 2012 IP
  2. lanotdesign

    lanotdesign Well-Known Member

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    It would help if you can post the before and after image, have you tried not using the save to web feature and just save with quality set to maximum?
    lanotdesign, Jun 5, 2012 IP
  3. AA.WebDev.Ltd

    AA.WebDev.Ltd Well-Known Member

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    which format you are saving to ? jpg / png or ?
    AA.WebDev.Ltd, Jun 5, 2012 IP