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Fellow Diggers

Discussion in 'Social Networks' started by cubeman, Feb 9, 2007.

  1. #1
    I'm looking for fellow legitimate diggers to review/digg each others stories.

    If anyone who runs a website that creates quality content that you submit to digg you'll probably have noticed that its very hard to make front page even when you have a great story. You may also often see yourself beaten to the top by a bigger site when you were there first.

    After working for big websites and talking to other website owners its clear that all of them get their friends, colleagues and employees to digg their articles. In fact this is standard practice. Even Jason Calacanis who used to own WebLogsInc (the biggest blog network) says to tell your friends about articles you want digged.

    There is nothing wrong with this, after all digg is a community and freinds should be able to tell each other about their stories, who will digg the story if they like it. But it does make it difficult for small to medium size sites to get the recognition they deserve since bigger websites have a clear advantage.

    Let's help each other out:

    So if you have a website/s with quality content send me a PM and lets share contact details so we can show each other our digg submissions (and other social bookmarking sites). I'll also share with you the contact details of other people contact me about this.

    Then when you have a good story just email or instant message your new friends telling them about the story. Don't do it everyday, and vary who you contact each time.

    Some Ground Rules:

    - This is not for spammers - spammers get lost
    - We will only send each other quality content to digg
    - You won't ask for an excessive amount of diggs - if you get 10 diggs that's enough. Let the digg community decide from then on. A good story will ALWAYS make it to front page if you give it a 10 digg boost. But if the story is not thought of as that intersting by digg users then it won't make front page.
    - Everyone has the right to not digg anything they don't want to.
    - You must be an active digg user that does not just submit their own stuff. You digg other peoples stories and submit other peoples stories too.

    If interested in becoming digg buddies please PM me...
    cubeman, Feb 9, 2007 IP
  2. cubeman

    cubeman Banned

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    I've not had many PMs so far - anyone else interested?
    cubeman, Feb 10, 2007 IP
  3. FIVE539

    FIVE539 Peon

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    ever check out diggxchange?
    FIVE539, Feb 10, 2007 IP
  4. cubeman

    cubeman Banned

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    yeah I've heard of diggxchange but that is an easy way to get banned and show you a cheating the digg system.

    I'm not looking to game digg so aggressively as to use a system like taht, I am just looking for other webmasters who create compelling content also to review each others digg submissions.
    cubeman, Feb 10, 2007 IP
  5. Foggy

    Foggy Link and Site Buyer

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    As long as you all agree on what is good content :)
    Foggy, Feb 10, 2007 IP
  6. Michael

    Michael Raider

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    This has the basics of a good idea if it could be automated so that one email was automatically sent to a random dozen people on the rota. That would be better than each member of the group having to send out a dozen emails.

    You could act as admin and make the decision as to if the quality was good enough to warrant a collective digg.

    Admission to the group based on the quality of previous diggs perhaps?

    - Michael

    Michael, Feb 10, 2007 IP
  7. cubeman

    cubeman Banned

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    Once you start automating you start moving away from a system of friends digging each other and to a digg cheating system that will get abused.

    If you have a good story it doesn't take much to ask 15 people from a list of 20-50 contacts to take a look at the story. And if it is a good story that's enough to let it ride to front page on diggs from other people.

    You can be lazy and start an automated cheating system and get banned, or you can spend 5 minutes doing it a more legitimate way and get tens of thoasands of visitors, providing you create engaging content) on a regular basis.

    It works for me, not everything gets to front page cause the digg comuunity doesn't always think its great, but about 40% of it does.

    This is more about creating quality content and networking than making an automated system.
    cubeman, Feb 11, 2007 IP
  8. Michael

    Michael Raider

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    You have misunderstood my suggestion cubeman.

    - Michael
    Michael, Feb 11, 2007 IP
  9. SCW1975

    SCW1975 Peon

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    I was a top digger before they removed the list. Since then I refuse to use the site anymore. I was in the top 50 too.
    SCW1975, Feb 11, 2007 IP