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Finally Mozilla!

Discussion in 'General Chat' started by Joshie, Nov 18, 2015.

  1. #1
    I am almost certain that some of you aren't aware of this but the other day Mozilla have finally released their own web browser app for iOS machines (iPhone, iPod and iPad)! I am sure that for so long we have been using Google's web browser Chrome app for surfing internet on our Apple mobile devices (iPhone, iPad or iPod) as there aren't many web browser apps for all of us iPhone lovers to choose as to my knowledge that there's only 3 trusted web browsers available via iTunes or iOS app store which is Safari, Google Chrome and Opera until few days ago for about the time that Mozilla released their own Firefox that we love as app to iOS.

    For few years I was disappointed to find out that Mozilla wasn't going to offer mobile version of their internet browser Firefox to smartphones (any) then about a year ago Mozilla announced that they have started working on their own internet browser app for smartphone and released but only for android operating system which that was very disappointing to me because I am a big-time Apple user for many years ever since I owned the first iPhone of my own (iPhone 4S) few years ago. For that I decided to write a complaint to Mozilla to show my disappoint in them for not releasing their Firefox app to iOS as well but when I did Mozilla announced that they weren't planning on to do Firefox app for iOS at all because of technical difference between Apple and Mozilla but that was an excuse to me because if Google could do that for their Chrome then Mozilla could for their Firefox too. A year and some months later Mozilla finally released their Firefox app for iOS which was a surprising to me considering that Mozilla themselves said that they were not planning on to do anything about iOS so to my excitement as I am a huge fan of Firefox for several years I immediately downloaded Firefox app to all of my Apple mobile devices after to my surprise discovering the app when I was browsing around to see if there were any interesting apps as I was bored at that time.


    After downloading, taking it for a test drive and I am very impressed with how Mozilla did for their Firefox iOS version. I am amazed to see that Mozilla uses the same engine (Gecko Layout) that they uses in their Firefox desktop version for their Firefox iOS app version, I am also impressed with the simplicity that they made for the app too and it pleases me to find that the Firefox iOS app doesn't lags on me sometimes like the rest of other internet browsers for iOS such as Safari or Google Chrome although I do have a huge respect for Google's Chrome but in my opinion Mozilla now have it beats. Again everyone have a different preference of their though so this Firefox iOS app is my preference out of the rest browsers that there are available for iOS mobile devices and in my mind I true-rated it five out of five after taking more than hour test drive. While their Firefox app for iOS is very new now, it is already impressive and amazing so I am very nervous to see the future updates with improvements which in my opinion all it is doing is Firefox is competing against Firefox themselves to be a better internet browser app for iOS mobile devices.

    Download link, please!

    If you have not yet downloaded the Firefox web browser for one of your iOS devices I highly recommend that you do so and to download the Firefox web browser here's the link to iTunes (if you open this link using iOS it will take you to the app store to download the app): FireFox Web Browser.

    Once you have tried the Firefox web browser app, share your opinion or your review here on the Mozilla's Firefox app for iOS mobile devices. If you have already downloaded it recently and tried please share what you think of it here!

    Nonetheless... About time Mozilla!
    Joshie, Nov 18, 2015 IP
  2. Stephanie Andrea

    Stephanie Andrea Banned

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    Is this an advetisement or something?
    Stephanie Andrea, Nov 18, 2015 IP
  3. qwikad.com

    qwikad.com Illustrious Member Affiliate Manager

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    Some people swear by FF I hardly ever use it anymore. The browser doesn't handle anything jquery that well. I use Twitter for my business quite a bit, with FF Twitter becomes all convoluted and impossible to enjoy using. I don't know what direction FF is heading, but I am pretty sure it's not the one I particularly care about.
    qwikad.com, Nov 18, 2015 IP