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Discussion in 'General Business' started by tsptom, Apr 13, 2004.

  1. ADA

    ADA Peon

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    I am a representative of Alex Doyle Associates. As a market leader I'm sure you are all aware of the waves that you create within the marketplace especially waves of jealously of all the techs who believe that they are seo experts. We have been in business for 3 years now and have many high profile clients that are receiving top rankings for many years and are happy and most importantly profitable clients. We have certain "techs" commenting on a site that is now obselete and has been for one year, as a result it was never optimised. We began dealing with keywords and have developed an seo package that works without adopting any of the illegitimate processes employed by other "seo companies". Comments therefore have been made through conjecture regarding a site that is obselete and conclusions have been made on this to the degree that we are "amature at best". The person who has posted this, if they would like to forwarded me a list of there successful blue chip clients currently gaining top rankings, please feel free to do so and we will compare portfolios. There are other comments posted regarding our services when they haven't even employed Alex Doyle Associates. I'm sure we will all agree that conclusions like this are dangerous and shouldn't be made. Longstanding clients of Alex Doyle's are currently writing testimonials that will be posted shortly. Our website will be live and optimised within four weeks. If you have any feedback regarding the site please don't hesitate to post this, if you would like to gain top rankings please do not hesitate to contact us directly. Thank you for taking the time to post these comments on the forum. Regards Alex Doyle Associates Ltd.
    ADA, May 18, 2004 IP
  2. ephricon

    ephricon Peon

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    This is worthy of a response:

    First, in trying to learn a bit about your company my first inclination (no surprise) was do go to your website. Thus, a did a Google search on Alex Doyle Associates -


    The first result is the DP Forum, followed by a design company that claims to have done your logo. Next is another forum with a complaint about the sales rep. from an SEO company - the thread has your company's name in it. Next is a geocities site followed by a link farm and then several sites that don't seem to relate to your firm at all.

    The site I did find did not appear to be optimized in any way for the SE's - which would probably explain why I didn't find your firm's own website ranked #1 for your name (which I would expect from most any SEO firm).

    However, if you are indeed redesigning your site and intentionally do not wish that site to be found, than I can understand that. Thus, I'll retract my remarks based on that site - as if its not truly your current company site than I really have nothing to say positive or negative about it - as there's no site to speak of.

    You said -
    >>> "We have certain "techs" commenting on a site that is now obselete and has been for one year, as a result it was never optimised."

    I say - so you've not had any site up then for one year? As an SEO I find that one of my best selling points when speaking with clients is the fact that they've done a search and found my site at the top of the rankings. I can them simply assure them that I use the same principles to optimize their sites. I find cold-calling businesses on the phone to be a displeasureable experience and unnecessary when my own site brings my the leads I desire.

    >>> "As a market leader I'm sure you are all aware of the waves that you create within the marketplace especially waves of jealously of all the techs who believe that they are seo experts."

    I find this a bit tough to follow. I don't agree with your generalization of people in this forum though - including myself. I'm actually not a "tech" person in any sense of the word. I have a marketing background. Naturally others may be techs, as I believe the general focus of this particular forum is tech-based, but personally I'm not a "tech" person in any way.

    >>> "...and conclusions have been made on this to the degree that we are "amature at best". The person who has posted this, if they would like to forwarded me a list of there successful blue chip clients currently gaining top rankings, please feel free to do so and we will compare portfolios."

    Here I am. I don't feel the need to convince you of my work - as I really don't care that much. Rest assured though I'm doing just fine making a living doing something that I enjoy. My clients are quite happy with their high rankings.

    You are right in that those conclusions were made on the only website I could find for your firm. As I said before, if indeed that site is not your current site and you have no current site than please accept my retraction of those comments. I stand by the notion that that site was poorly optimized, but if its not a fair evaluation of your work than that is understandable and thus I apologize for judging you on something that is not a current work of yours.

    >>> "Longstanding clients of Alex Doyle's are currently writing testimonials that will be posted shortly. Our website will be live and optimised within four weeks."

    Great! I wish you the best of luck and would be interested in checking out the new site. I've not heard of your company before a few weeks ago or whenever this thread was started, and thus the only thing I've seen was that obsolete site. I stand by my statement that based on that site the work was amateur at best, but once again - if indeed its not a current site of yours than its obviously a poor evaluation of your true abilities.

    Best of luck and continued success to all of us.
    ephricon, May 18, 2004 IP
  3. Foxy

    Foxy Chief Natural Foodie

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    Well, if I was a potential client and saw your lack of attention to detail I would not touch you with a 40 foot barge pole!! So some questions:

    Q1. How does the potential client know the site is obsolete? [nb the spelling of obsolete! Lack of attention to detail here] A1. They don't, so how could anybody, here as well, be held to be "jealous" of a site falling short of professional?
    Q2. If this site falls short of being professional then it must be in the category of amateur is it not? [nb the spelling of amateur! Lack of attention to detail here]
    Q3. How do you spell "forward"? [nb not forwarded! Lack of attention to detail here]
    Q4. Longstanding clients will be writing... They already have, here, in the first post. That is shorter than shortly is it not? [Lack of attention to detail here]
    Q5. Our website will be live and optimised within four weeks...why does it take so long? [Lack of attention to detail here] Professionals could do it in days. There is a few of those here [more than a few I might add] but I would guess that they would not touch you or your site with a forty foot barge pole....if they could find where you were! ;)

    PS spot the deliberate lack of attention to detail - can you?
    Foxy, May 18, 2004 IP
  4. ADA

    ADA Peon

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    Thank you for your quick response.

    The posted message was not directly aimed at yourself but as you can imagine it does get frustrating when it appears you are being judged unfairly. This industry is becoming increasingly marred by illegitimate techniques used by "seo companies" that employ gateway pages, keyword stuffing techniques, redirected pages, link framing etc to gain rankings. They all guarantee rankings but have small print within their contracts that allows these companies a massive loop hole enabling them to gain money under illegitimate means. This has a domino affect, making it increasingly difficult for good standing professional marketing and seo firms like Alex Doyle Associates and yourselves to make a good honest living. It is actually refrshing to converse with someone who has a modicom of intelligence and knows how search engines work and rank sites. Perhaps we could work together to prevent these cowboys from marring the seo industry?

    It has been confusing at Alex Doyle when a supposed "client" has posted a statement saying he has been conned and is going to the office of fair trading. We are not aware of any of our clients that are in this position and would encourage the person who posted this to come forward and contact us, if you really are a client of Alex Doyle's, rather than remain anonymous. We can't mend what we don't knows broken.

    I understand you statement regarding the fact that you reassure your clients through the fact that you have good rankings with your own website. Our methods are slightly different where we reasurre clients through showing our existing clients that have high rankings under search terms purchased and then the prospective client can contact our consumers to ask them how Alex Doyle has performed. We use this because many potential clients believe the proof is in the pudding and the eating of such.

    I'm happy for your success and wish you every success in the future with your clients. Maybe one day we will work together.
    ADA, May 18, 2004 IP
  5. ADA

    ADA Peon

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    Thank you foxyweb,

    My obvious lack of "attention to detail", is because I'm too busy optimising sites and providing a professional service to clients to check every word I spell. Perhaps you would be better suited as an English teacher rather than commenting on a tech site regarding seo, to which it appears you have no knowledge! It takes four weeks to send the site live due to copr reading flash movies built within the site and a vert we are creating. We need our site to ouse professionalism so that we don't get commented on how unprofessional we look. We also have to check spelling mistakes on the site of course.
    ADA, May 18, 2004 IP
  6. ephricon

    ephricon Peon

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    Yes - that's why I do both :)

    Certainly existing clients make great samples and case studies for potential clients. Even further though - there's no way I could take someone's money and tell them I can help them make money online via search engine rankings if I myself wasn't already running my own business is such a manner.

    Regarding the sketchy SEO companies, I believe we all share our dislike of them. Typically you don't see many of them in these SEO forums though, as they don't care about actually learning - rather they care about tricking and such. Sure you see alot of them with a random post now and again... The key way to tell is look at # of posts - very few spammy companies will bother in forums long enough to accumulate a large # of posts...
    ephricon, May 18, 2004 IP
  7. Foxy

    Foxy Chief Natural Foodie

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    Really? Too busy to spell check? I don't think so - it is a sign of lack of attention to detail.
    I should be and English teacher? Not an SEO? Interesting - go click on the reputation button in the members list and see what other people think - and by the by I don't do SEO for other people I leave that to the real professionals like Compar McDar SEOguy Rustybrick - but I sure use my sites to experiment.
    It takes four weeks to send the site live...? Who are you trying to kid - when did you start building the site? Why did you not have the site running before? there are a lot of VERY professional sites out there that don't need all that crap you are about to inflict upon the owner of a 56kbps modem!

    Vote: I'd go and hide ADA :D
    Foxy, May 18, 2004 IP
  8. Foxy

    Foxy Chief Natural Foodie

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    Also ephricon

    sorry missed you out of my list
    Foxy, May 18, 2004 IP
  9. duvetdave

    duvetdave Peon

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    The way to find the best company.....Easy , just look for one that is slated only by anon.ie competition from other less competent rivals.
    And if they dont do what they say,then get your money back.
    Not hard is it.
    duvetdave, May 18, 2004 IP
  10. ephricon

    ephricon Peon

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    Haha thanks anyways!
    ephricon, May 18, 2004 IP
  11. ADA

    ADA Peon

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    I understand completely with the view that a majority of seo companies are interested in tricking rather than making clients any money or achieving any form of rankings. At Alex Doyle we continually thirst for knowledge and are regularly updated on changing algorythms, we have a department of programmers dedicated to this research. We focus mainly on Google as this seems to be the engine to crack in terms of profitability for the client and Google's holding within the market place. However, I don't think a measure of competence can be measured by how long a company spends within a forum, because a lot of knowledge shared within a forum is qualified or correct ,the majority seems to be conflicting views based on a lack of industry knowledge. All this achieves is constant scepticism and confusion from clients, when all they really want is a professional firm to achieve and deliver what they promise. Alex Doyle achieves rankings consistantly for clients because we remain cutting edge through constant research conducted and as a result our position within the market place grows stronger everyday and as a result of this Alex Doyle is here for the long haul.

    I would be interested in sharing knowledge with yourself, I'm sure we could both shed some professional light on different technoques currently being adopted.
    ADA, May 18, 2004 IP
  12. Dennis

    Dennis Guest

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    So i received a call from alex doyle associates who offered me the service described in this forum. Obviously i typed in their company name and came up with this forum, when i asked the company about the website etc i was told about it not being live, which i understand. Needless to say i was skeptical but still interested. I received the information and a contract which was very clear and that i would be entitled to my money back. It had my terms on there and that i would be number one and stay there for the full twelve months. I showed this to my friend who is a solicitor and he said all seemed fine and i was covered. Obviously i was skeptical after reading things like this forum so i asked for some more examples of clients. The person i spoke to was very helpful he gave me several examples of people at number one, but what impressed me more was the examples i was given were also given out with phone numbers to contact them. This was a definite plus point being able to speak to existing clients. I rang the references i was given and all were happy with the service they had received and were curretly receiving a massive amount of hits from being number one. So im going to go with the service i feel covered by the contract and having spoken to existing clients feel more at ease. Obviously the views on this forum are one side of the story and there are no views from people who have had a direct relationship with the company. I would hate to think i had missed a great opportunity to increase my revenue by only listening to one side of the story. My contract will clearly cover me to get my money back. Why would a company offer a guarentee if they were just gonna have to give the money back in 6 weeks.
    Dennis, May 18, 2004 IP
  13. Foxy

    Foxy Chief Natural Foodie

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    OK Dennis thats good - so you will be able to give us the url and other information so that your site and keywords can be tracked to prove just how good this company is?

    As ADA puts it - cutting edge - and what is here is not - rather the other side of the coin.

    That claim in itself I find interesting - go and ask Compar or SEOguy what they think about that! :)
    Foxy, May 18, 2004 IP
  14. digitalpoint

    digitalpoint Overlord of no one Staff

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    Well, as the "Master of the Universe", I can shed some light on this one. Dennis and ADA are in fact the same person (or at least coming from the same IP address which is based in the United Kingdom).

    You are welcome to post your opinion, but faking as a satisfied user is not going to look real good in the eyes of everyone else.

    - Shawn
    digitalpoint, May 18, 2004 IP
  15. Dennis

    Dennis Guest

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    Yes i am sending from the same ip address however the quote and statements made are taken from an actual statement from a new customer, who said he was happy with the comments being placed on this forum. The testimonals from existing clients will follow soon, customers who have been with us for two years and are happy with the services, so you will soon have their opinions.
    Dennis, May 18, 2004 IP
  16. Foxy

    Foxy Chief Natural Foodie

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    Well now, why am I not surprised at that!!!

    And stop talking rubbish ADA Dennis you have just proved what you are.
    Foxy, May 18, 2004 IP
  17. Foxy

    Foxy Chief Natural Foodie

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    Well said DOMW - welcome to this forum - to be honest, this so called company has sounded like, for some time now, as a one person back room establishment that uses various aliases to purport to be doing big "cutting edge" business [what a joke].

    Any support that you would like just ask and I will see what can be done.

    In light of the geographic stuff above and by his own admission he has just faked a post I think this thread should be placed in the "Black List" Forum with a health warning nailed to the entrance.

    Whadaya think Shawn? :cool:
    Foxy, May 18, 2004 IP
  18. duvetdave

    duvetdave Peon

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    ok .Lets keep it simple.Give these alex doyle people your real name and if they sue you and win then the rest of us know the truth.If you win then you will gain our respect and , but you won't will you?
    duvetdave, May 18, 2004 IP
  19. duvetdave

    duvetdave Peon

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    Oh .one more thing.If I were asking a client to to vouch for me I would protect their identity by posting their comments from an address that was only traceable to me.Commonsense or is it just me.
    duvetdave, May 18, 2004 IP
  20. ephricon

    ephricon Peon

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    Hmmm, I was willing to reconsider things initially - but I don't think it is at all acceptable to post something pretending to be someone else and make us think that someone else is posting. It seemed fishy right away it how that post was worded, but I'm sorry to say that ADA has now lost the respect which I had momentarily reinstated for them.

    If you don't have your integrity what do you have?
    ephricon, May 18, 2004 IP