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Forums Vs Blogs...which one is better?

Discussion in 'Content Management' started by CuXe, May 30, 2006.

  1. #1
    Hi guys,

    Ive been looking at some of the features blogs and forums offer but i just cant decide whether i should use a forum of a blog for my website, I know that blogs offer a nice CMS feature but for some reason i tend to go more towards forums, I like the way forums are organized and the ease for customers to create threaded discussions.

    When i get to a blog page i tend to get a little messed up by the way many of them are organized but with forums i can see the discussions a lot better...maybe other people feel the same way....

    Now, do forums offer good CM features?, if i go with forums i'd like to use PPPhb or so i think it is called, and if using a blog....wordpress

    Any ideas?
    CuXe, May 30, 2006 IP
  2. preacher

    preacher Peon

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    Well, what kind of site do you plan on building? Forums, content management systems and blogging platforms all serve different purposes!
    preacher, May 30, 2006 IP
  3. richardevanslee

    richardevanslee Peon

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    It is usually much easier to get yourself to write than to create an active forum.

    Everytime I think about the latter I remember all the mostly dead forums I've seen.

    Though some people use paid forum posting services in an effort to get one going.

    richardevanslee, May 30, 2006 IP
  4. mdvaldosta

    mdvaldosta Peon

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    It's not about which one is better, but about what your goals are. Forums are good for discussion but are hard to get going and don't generate hardly any income (if that's your goal). Blogs are easier to maintain but won't ever give you a community atmosphere. Both serve their purpose, you just have to decide which purpose you're after.
    mdvaldosta, May 30, 2006 IP
  5. CuXe

    CuXe Peon

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    Interesting, yeap..i'm actually looking for one which would represent a better oportunity to generate some income and at the same time a chance to build a growing community... ive seen many forums and they are really exciting once you see all the people interacting there while blogs seem to be more vague if you are planning on building communities.

    Anyhow...after i get a few pennies rolling in i'll give forums a shot.... in the mean time i'll experiment with blogs.

    Thanks for your help!:D
    CuXe, May 30, 2006 IP