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Discussion in 'General Chat' started by anthonycea, Jan 29, 2005.

  1. anthonycea

    anthonycea Banned

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    The ultra modern manufacturing plants they are putting in China now are plants never before imagined by engineers.

    They are so automated and large by any standard that no one in the world can compete on a cost basis with these new plants.

    The problem is this, our American companies are funding these plants to be where the action is.

    So fundamental tax laws must change to give them a penalty for investing in China and incentives must be given to keep manufacturing here in the states.

    It is as simple as that, lawmakers must be pressured by American citizens to do something or we need to replace the lawmakers and the Republicans that are leading this charge in selling out the American people.
    anthonycea, Jan 30, 2005 IP
  2. Michael

    Michael Raider

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    Anthoney here is the Wikipedia entry for CERN that explains all http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/CERN

    Economics doesn't work like that though does it. You can offer all the incentives you like to the manufacturing industries but unless they can produce it cheaper no one will buy it. It's a global economy now and although we may not like it, either we participate as actively as possible or suffer the long term consequences. If you are not in the game you can't win it...

    - Michael
    Michael, Jan 30, 2005 IP
  3. anthonycea

    anthonycea Banned

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    Michael, with that theory German beer manufacturers should all pack up and move to China.

    I don't believe it for a minute, sure the reason everyone is moving to China is because it is now a great manufacturing center with lower costs. But how long will they have this advantage?

    If not for our companies wanting to avoid paying wages and benefits and the union busting activities of our businessmen and Republican leaders many manufacturing industries would still be here in America.

    We still have manufacturing of union made Trucks and Cars here and they still sell. Why do they sell? Because the products meet the needs of the buyers, not because of price. This is why it can work Michael, but our leaders sold out to those who have bribed them.

    We need across the board legal reform and new laws written by lawmakers that are not on the take (our lawmakers are bought and sold by the business lobby).
    anthonycea, Jan 31, 2005 IP
  4. Michael

    Michael Raider

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    I don't think German beer is a typical example because of the very fact that it is German. The laws on what goes into German beer are very strict in Germany and no one would believe it was the real thing if it was brewed anywhere else.

    Did you know that China is the world's biggest beer market by volume and the accounts for over 17% of worldwide consumption and growing? That is why Anheuser-Busch bought the 4th largest brewer in China because that is where the growth in sales is going to be. Exporting capital sure but a wise choice :)

    As for the automotive industry it will go the same way as electronic consumer goods with most of the components made in Asia and some assembly in the US. It's inevitable and the only thing we can hope for is to get control of the value chain in the world's most populous country, China. Did you know that Volkswagen is the biggest foreign car making investor in China? If it was GM I would be much happier.

    - Michael
    Michael, Jan 31, 2005 IP
  5. anthonycea

    anthonycea Banned

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    Michael, with automated advanced JIT manufacturing one should be able to manufacture in the USA just as efficient as in China and laws need to be changed here to encourage just that.

    Some plastic molding plants are completely robotic and are lights off closed loop facilities, thus competitive with any facility anywhere in the world.

    China is NOT the answer to all manufacturing output in the entire world, there is simply momentum of investment at this time.

    Our lawmakers need to create new laws to discourage this and give incentives to investors to keep manufacturing here in the USA.

    If Honda can be successful manufacturing here why do American companies have problems with it?
    anthonycea, Jan 31, 2005 IP
  6. Michael

    Michael Raider

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    I agree about the momentum but what law would you change first?

    - Michael
    Michael, Jan 31, 2005 IP
  7. anthonycea

    anthonycea Banned

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    Importation laws, duties on products from China and other places where unfair labor conditions exist.

    Give great incentives to companies such as free industrial sites and personal property tax breaks for those that create 1,000's of manufacturing jobs in the USA.

    Permanent tax breaks for those that keep jobs in the states, sort of a tax free zone for manufacturers just like the free trade zones that exist here.
    anthonycea, Jan 31, 2005 IP
  8. debunked

    debunked Prominent Member

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    Anthony, don't worry about China too long, with all the money we are 'giving' them, they should have a much more supperior military to take over the world with. So what are you worrying about anyways???

    (Did you ever think of a large country having a such a shortage of women, not as property people, but just the ratio of men vs. women in that country would make it difficult for those looking for a mate.)

    This is also a good idea to some degree. I am more in favor of taxing the imports high enough to 1. To make up some lost tax revenue
    2. to make it a more level playing ground.

    I usually don't like taxation, but we need to protect this country as a whole, our jobs, etc....
    debunked, Jan 31, 2005 IP
  9. david_sakh

    david_sakh Peon

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    I guess my kids will have to pretend to be reading their little red books in class while Aristotle gets a burn job.
    david_sakh, Jan 31, 2005 IP