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General Business

Discussion in 'General Business' started by Vinicius Teixeira, Aug 2, 2022.

  1. #2
    I am trying to sell as an affiliate but I am not getting any results. I tried direct traffic, because I can't afford paid traffic. what can I do to improve my results?
    Vinicius Teixeira, Aug 2, 2022 IP
  2. cronik

    cronik Well-Known Member

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    Start learning some SEO and/or social media marketing basics, and learn to create content that will get your website traffic from search engines. Affiliate marketing with a blog is relatively easy compared to other ways of making money, it just takes time. Do not pay for traffic, just focus on getting and increasing organic traffic from Google and social media.
    cronik, Aug 2, 2022 IP
  3. jrbiz

    jrbiz Acclaimed Member

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    While it is hard to provide advice without knowing what you are selling and to whom, I would start by seeing what the other affiliates selling the same products are doing for marketing and sales. That might get you going while you try to figure out your own path to success.
    jrbiz, Aug 8, 2022 IP
  4. knowledgeherald

    knowledgeherald Well-Known Member

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    If possible, switch to creating YouTube videos. Many YouTubers are earning a decent income through ads, sponsors and affiliate links from there.
    knowledgeherald, Sep 6, 2022 IP
  5. Harvey Wolf

    Harvey Wolf Member

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    Have you tried contacting the people behind the affiliate products for their suggestions? They might provide avenue's you might not have considered.

    Also, agree blogging is a great way of marketing your affiliate products, again it will take time, but done correctly, there is no reason why you cannot start building organic traffic to it. No one likes to see affiliate links all over the place, don't expect anyone to buy. It is better to provide assistance in anyway that you can and great content, that way you are offering something of value first.
    Harvey Wolf, Sep 8, 2022 IP
  6. Randall Magwood

    Randall Magwood Active Member

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    Keep trying to do direct traffic. What exactly have you been doing? Do you have a website? Are you leading them to a blog or free offer? What is the nature of your offer. Are you measuring traffic or sales from your efforts. What niche are you in? These are all questions I have to ask first before I can give you a concrete answer.
    Randall Magwood, Sep 29, 2022 IP