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Getting advice on getting my project off the ground.

Discussion in 'General Business' started by Dirk the Web Phoenix, Oct 15, 2019.

  1. #1
    Hi, everybody:

    I wonder if this is a good forum for advice on how to get a money-making website project off the ground, dealing with issues a coder like me is not so familiar with. Things like which service can collect donations for me without endangering me, how best to measure size and growth of the user base, whether to manage user data best with a CMS or database-API or some own code for server-or-cookie storage, etc.

    My current project has 7 issues to deal with right now. Should I post it as one post introducing these issues as one-liners or spread it out as different posts on an issue-by-issue basis in different forums on this site here?

    It would seem sensible to me to have one general thread introducing (and possibly discussing) this one project on a top view level and maybe sometimes branch off to separate threads that dig deep into one issue. Would that approach fit this community?

    Thanks for any tip. :)
    Dirk the Web Phoenix, Oct 15, 2019 IP
  2. ElscottHavoc

    ElscottHavoc Well-Known Member

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    In the time it took to review the entire post asking about asking questions, you could have just asked the questions.

    If they're vastly different questions, just prioritize them and separate them out into different topics. You'll get better responses going to the niche category than just plopping all your questions in a general area.
    ElscottHavoc, Oct 15, 2019 IP
    sarahk likes this.
  3. Dirk the Web Phoenix

    Dirk the Web Phoenix Greenhorn

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    Thanks for the reply. I am new here and trying to orient myself. It seems worthwhile to me to have a thread that deals with the entire project since experienced startup creators may point me to fitting specific forums for particular details or point out issues I have so far overlooked. I was unsure if such a broadly defined thread or post would be acceptable.

    Another question: How can I attach a LIKE to your comment? (I see no LIKE button)
    Dirk the Web Phoenix, Oct 16, 2019 IP
  4. qwikad.com

    qwikad.com Illustrious Member Affiliate Manager

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    You need to be an established member (you yourself have to have 3 likes from 3 different members).
    qwikad.com, Oct 16, 2019 IP
  5. Dirk the Web Phoenix

    Dirk the Web Phoenix Greenhorn

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    Thanks, qwikad. I suspected something like that. It's good to have it confirmed. :)
    Dirk the Web Phoenix, Oct 18, 2019 IP
  6. nshep

    nshep Greenhorn

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    Do you still want help with your original issue?
    nshep, Oct 21, 2019 IP
  7. Think_Big

    Think_Big Well-Known Member

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    Keeping the questions about one project in a single thread is much cleaner, and helpful for those wanting to respond.
    Think_Big, Oct 21, 2019 IP
  8. Dirk the Web Phoenix

    Dirk the Web Phoenix Greenhorn

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    Well, replies to my original question on whether I can have a thread on this platform dedicated to a project or whether I must separate its various questions out into different threads from the get-go have been answered approving of both approaches. So, both seem to be acceptable here, and how things work out may be unpredictable. I have created a project thread, and I may find it necessary or worthwhile to create dedicated threads for some specific questions that the project thread is overwhelmed or under-responded with.

    Thanks. :)

    I thought so, too, and therefore created a thread for my project: How to get my project off the ground? (a gamified study site)

    Thanks. :)
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 23, 2019
    Dirk the Web Phoenix, Oct 23, 2019 IP