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Global Warming Fails Me Again...

Discussion in 'General Chat' started by jrbiz, Dec 10, 2016.

  1. jrbiz

    jrbiz Acclaimed Member

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    LOL, you do not know the half of it. Last Wednesday, we had a high temp of 60F/15C degrees. Three days later (Saturday) we had a low temp of 8F/-13C degrees and it is pretty much the same today. We also had very strong winds that made the wind chill effect about 20 degrees F/7 degrees C lower than the thermometer indicates. We are now expecting a major snowstorm on Tuesday that could deliver a foot and a half of snow here. And, we are a little more than a week from the official start of Spring! The Global Warming gods are failing me again.

    We did "spring forward" today into Daylight Savings Time, so we will have an extra hour of daylight on Tuesday night to watch the snow falling... :(
    jrbiz, Mar 12, 2017 IP
  2. mmerlinn

    mmerlinn Prominent Member

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    I feel for you. The ice gods have not been nice here either. One Tuesday last January we had 2 inches of ice on everything (even the freeways, can you say 10 mph?) and the temp was in the high twenties, so whatever was melted by traffic immediately refroze in another place. Lots of fun.

    Anyhow, I had to leave town for a few days. I headed south about 180 miles. The further I got south the warmer I felt. Felt like I was entering a banana belt. At my destination, 4 hours later, 180 miles south, and 400 feet higher, I discovered that the temperature was a roasting 59 (yes, FIFTY NINE) degrees! That is over 30 degrees difference in a few hours! Hard to believe, but true. Normally, the temp is only 2 degrees higher, but not that day.

    When I returned north 3 days later temps in both places were hovering near 40 for the highs and near freezing for the lows. And the ice was gone!
    mmerlinn, Mar 12, 2017 IP
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  3. jrbiz

    jrbiz Acclaimed Member

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    OMG, so we started getting hit by the blizzard at about 8:30am and by about 1:30pm we had 8 or 9 inches of snow on the ground. We lost power for a couple of hours between 11:00am and 1:00pm, as well. Then the nightmare really started: the snow changed to rain because temps rose just above 32F/0C degrees. For those of you who do not understand the implications of this unfortunate, but all too common later winter occurrence, when snow is on the ground and it starts raining, the snow acts like a sponge and soaks all the water up. So, instead of the water running off to storm drains, it stays with the snow making the snow significantly heavier than it normally would be. I am grateful that my snowblower was still able to throw the snow and not just clog up as it sometimes does with a slushy mixture, but it was a long hard slog, nonetheless. Of course, my neighbor across the street was on a business trip to the west coast and has a wife with a toddler and a baby snowbound in their house, so I got to double my snowblowing pleasure by doing their driveway, as well.

    Global warming gods, why do you forsake me and further mock me with snow followed by rain??? Am I not a loyal follower and true believer? Do I not put as much carbon into the air as I possibly can whenever I can? Right now, worn out from the snowstorm and still looking at huge piles of snow everywhere, my dreams of a warm, beachfront property caused by the rising oceans are being put to the test and I may begin to lose faith. I need a sign.
    jrbiz, Mar 14, 2017 IP
  4. qwikad.com

    qwikad.com Illustrious Member Affiliate Manager

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    That blast's got to us too. Thanks for nothing Canada. It's 44F now and the highest today is 58F.
    qwikad.com, Mar 15, 2017 IP
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