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Gnifi CMS (e.g.: Category Management System)

Discussion in 'Content Management' started by clades, Oct 18, 2008.

  1. #1
    Gnifi is a simple category manager system i developed, its a category system that handles several types of content (images, articles, news, topics, links...), so its a category manager orientated for content management.

    I would like to hear what you think about it.

    A demo of stable version:
    clades, Oct 18, 2008 IP
  2. einsteinsboi

    einsteinsboi Well-Known Member

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    Interesting. At first glance my thought about the concept you've based Gnifi on is that it would be good for an archiving system where you could archive information and make it easily retrievable by use of categories. I am sure there are numerous other uses, but that's the first one that jumped to mind. Nice work.

    I would give it a whirl but then it's not free :)
    einsteinsboi, Oct 21, 2008 IP
  3. clades

    clades Peon

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    I think the best thing about Gnifi is that all templates are like this:

    $template['form'] = '
    <form action="{HOME}login/" method="POST">
    		<input type="text" name="usern" class="inputb w200">
    		<input type="password" name="passw" class="inputb w200">
    		<input type="checkbox" value="1" name="rlogin">&nbsp;
    		<span class="med">({L7})</span>
    	<input type="submit" value="{L8}" name="submit" class="submit">
    100% html only, the {..} tokens are values to be replaced, the templaces dont have any code thus is very easy to customize them. Same goes to language files.

    Even if it doesnt make any more sells i guess it already made more $$ than all my previous GPL projects (0).
    clades, Oct 21, 2008 IP