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Google Cloud and Hosting

Discussion in 'Content Management' started by Jeremy Benson, Feb 8, 2021.

  1. #1

    I'm trying to understand big data hosting. As far as I know the hosts like Hostgator, Site5, are only tailored for small/medium websites. Hostgator told me they didn't have reseller hosting for 12 million GBs. Though I wasn't even asking a reseller question, just storage for one site. I know with Site5 pricing as they advertise 12 million gigs would cost around 4 million.

    I learned about Google Cloud, lol. I'm a bit slow here. My question is, when the files go to Google Cloud, do they end up on my server first, temporarily? Would HostsGator count that 12 million gigs passing through to Google Cloud as storage? That would be a large bill (Hosting) on top of a smaller bill (Google Cloud.)

    How does big hosting work, and where does one start when they are planning a website that can grow to any size?

    Thank you.
    Last edited: Feb 8, 2021
    Jeremy Benson, Feb 8, 2021 IP
  2. viren121

    viren121 Peon

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    Big data is becoming increasingly popular across a wide range of industries. Businesses gain an advantage in the market due to their ability to capture, store, and process data.

    While big data is characterized by complex operations, extensive data sets, and complex multilevel processes, so as the name suggests. As a result, businesses can only take advantage of big data to the degree that their hardware can support it. Dynamic and robust server infrastructure is also needed in addition to big data. This server infrastructure is necessary for sophisticated computing, processing, and storage requirements.

    The web and cloud hosting company is critical to a company's success in moving to big data such as VLink.
    viren121, Oct 25, 2021 IP