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Google loves who better: CMS or HTML?

Discussion in 'Content Management' started by pashley, Jan 30, 2006.

  1. #1
    Ok, here's the deal.

    I have a medical-information website regarding a diabetic drug. The goal is to make money via Adsense ads; I believe this drug will be huge in the coming year or so, yielding me a lot of hits, and hopefully revenue.

    I made the site in Mambo, because of ease of use, and features.

    I know HTML well enough to incorporate most of the features I want, but ease of use couldn't match the CMS, in my opinion.

    I'm just afraid now that Google will not love my site as much as it would if it was an HTML site.

    Is that fear founded? Or, are they about the same?
    pashley, Jan 30, 2006 IP
  2. EGS

    EGS Notable Member

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    Google will love it the same if you do a mod_rewrite my friend. :)
    EGS, Jan 30, 2006 IP
  3. pashley

    pashley Peon

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    You'll have to give me a little bit more info, please. Can you point me in the right direction on that?:)
    pashley, Jan 30, 2006 IP
  4. Greg-J

    Greg-J I humbly return to you.

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    Simply put, mod_rewrite enables you to use conditional statements in the form of regular expressions within a file(s) on your apache server to 'fake' urls. So rather than having to navigate to urls like
    You could instead have urls like:

    This method requires a rule for each url you are 'spoofing'. You could instead write a regular expression that would allow urls like:

    While the first example is better for human readers, a search engine doesn't care either way.

    If you're interested in finding out more about it, you should google for mod_rewrite.
    Greg-J, Jan 31, 2006 IP