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Have you seen micmonster.com?

Discussion in 'General Business' started by dess71, Jan 3, 2023.

  1. #1
    If you want a voiceover, look no further than micmonster.com

    It is not mine but can't help sharing to the community because it is awesome.
    dess71, Jan 3, 2023 IP
  2. Femalei

    Femalei Peon

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    I ordered my voiceovers on fiverr.
    Femalei, Jan 3, 2023 IP
    dess71 likes this.
  3. dess71

    dess71 Well-Known Member

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    Yea there are several gigs in Fiverr. I myself ordered several gigs in the past including voice overs.

    But I found micmonster to be 100% natural, has many male & female voices, several languages and way cheaper.

    It can have downsides though like when I give it Bible paragraphs, it reads verse numbers saying superscrit 1, superscript 2...

    Finally I want to mention that I am not affiliated with them in any way. Nor have they told me to promote them.
    I just found an awesome voice over tool with no robotic effect, tried it withoit registering and shared it here.
    dess71, Jan 3, 2023 IP
  4. Randall Magwood

    Randall Magwood Active Member

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    I've ordered my voiceovers for my podcast from Fiverr also. For only $40, she did an intro and outro, with rights to use it commercially online. I would start on Fiverr first because of the quality, the revisions you can get, the fast delivery, and the low price.
    Randall Magwood, Jan 7, 2023 IP
  5. dess71

    dess71 Well-Known Member

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    Ya Fiverr is awesome because people(not software) are doing it and I myself ordered several gigs myself in the past. Sadly I wanted to check my previous purchases and guess what? they are not there anymore. I remember I bought gigs that amount to a total of 1000 usd . But not sure why Fiverr is not showing my older purchases. I started my Fiverr account in 2010.

    Most of software readers like that of Windows or Google's have robotic sound which makes them less than perfect. But
    micmonster.com has perfect natural reading capability. That is what caught my attention. I know you guys have not tried it because you think I am promoting it for gain. Nope. You can even test it without registering and see for yourselves. Kudos.
    dess71, Jan 9, 2023 IP