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Help!! I want to add my photo to a poster

Discussion in 'Photoshop' started by JenniferMarshall1, Jul 22, 2011.

  1. #1
    Hello. I just got my wisdom teeth out yesterday (funnn). There is a disgusting photo we took of me. I was going to just trash it but thought why not have fun with it? I looked like I came back from the dead and Night of the Living Dead is one of my favorite movies.
    I am not very familiar with photoshop and its settings. I tried a few times to add my photo in place of the main characters although she is much better looking. I had no luck. I know everyones busy but is there anyone out there that can take a shot at it for me?? I have attached 2 options and the "poster".
    Thanks so much for your time
    JenniferMarshall1, Jul 22, 2011 IP
  2. Farhanitrate

    Farhanitrate Active Member

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    Its better to pay someone (good designer) if you really want a best result. or you can try photoshop tutorials. you can find number of tutorials on image editing.

    Best of luck. :)
    Farhanitrate, Jul 22, 2011 IP
  3. xDemevenx

    xDemevenx Well-Known Member

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    Yeah, you'll probably have to end up paying for this job. Not that many people are into doing complex or tedious PS tasks without compensation (especially since the people who can do this well for you already have enough pro bono work in their portfolio for clients).

    But, if you want some tips just use a B/W filter (or due hue/saturation and drop saturation to zero). Then, go into curves and levels and play around with it until you get shadows to stand out well enough for what you're looking for. You can use a brush for your eyes. For your hair, you'll need to find the right contrast between your brown hair (which will be white) and your dark brown shadows (which will be hard black). You might have to do different filters with layer masks on purely the hair for this effect, especially because your picture is so low resolution. If I were to do it, I would go to black/white and deepen the reds and blues, and lighten the yellows (for hair highlights).

    I may be wrong, just don't wanna play around with it to double check =p
    xDemevenx, Jul 25, 2011 IP
  4. MichaelX

    MichaelX Peon

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    This was posted 3 days ago so if you still require this done I can easily help, it won't take much time to create something similar.
    MichaelX, Jul 25, 2011 IP
  5. almostamir

    almostamir Peon

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    Here you go :D

    No one is hiring me so I had time on my hands -.-

    ...if anyone needs a freelance artist / graphic designer, hit me up.
    almostamir, Jul 25, 2011 IP
  6. ayushi infotech

    ayushi infotech Peon

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    if you try smoke effect sure to good look...........
    ayushi infotech, Jul 26, 2011 IP