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Help me be the 1st in this SEO contest !

Discussion in 'General Chat' started by Adrien Eppling, Dec 28, 2022.

  1. #1

    I'm stuying computer science in France (Lille), and we are having SEO courses.
    To be graded on this class, my classmates and myself are in an SEO contest
    on the google search engine, the given keyword being "Hesseuhau".

    Actually, i'm in the 4th position, because i made a good website by focusing
    on quality content.
    But i have only 1 backlink ! And that's what's missing me to be ranked
    at 1st or 2nd/3rd position.

    My website : https//adrien-eppling.com

    I'm asking for your help, the end of the contest is on the 3th of January 2023.
    With only 1 or 2 backlink, i could easily be ranked in the top 3 !
    I'm sure that i have the best content quality website from all my classmates,
    all i'm missing is your backlink !

    My website is focusing on SEO pratices and the "Hesseuhau" contest.
    You can erase the backlink after the 3th of January 2023 - 11h59pm

    Thanks for reading me,

    Adrien E
    2nd year in computer Science at SUPINFO Lille
    Adrien Eppling, Dec 28, 2022 IP
  2. ArtificialIntelligence

    ArtificialIntelligence Greenhorn

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    Hi Adrien. You can get good quality backlinks for free easily by following my technique. Please follow these steps:
    1- Search this keyword in Google "free business directory website in France" and you will get lists of many local directory websites.
    2- Then check the DA and spam score of some websites and make sure that the spam score should be less than 10 and the DA should be above 20. You can check DA and spam score here https://moz.com/domain-analysis
    3-After founding the good DA websites, now signup there and put the required details & your website URL. In this way, you will get free backlinks and increase your website rank in search engines.

    You may make backlinks on bookmarking websites as well.
    Please follow these steps:
    1- You can find the bookmarking websites by searching the keyword "free bookmarking website". You can check the quality of the website by checking the DA and spam score(as described in point no. 2).
    2- After founding the good DA bookmarking websites, now signup there and put the required details & your website URL. In this way, you will get free backlinks.
    3- Add your keyword in the tag section and in the title and description so you will get more benefits from the backlink.

    Good Luck!
    ArtificialIntelligence, Dec 28, 2022 IP
    jrbiz likes this.
  3. sarahk

    sarahk iTamer Staff

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    Google translate had fun with your keyword...


    You link to your twitter and FB accounts but you have no links from them back to the site. I'd get something up there. Traffic is also important - ask your family and friends to click those links to get some inbound traffic.
    sarahk, Dec 28, 2022 IP
    jrbiz likes this.
  4. Adrien Eppling

    Adrien Eppling Peon

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    Thank you for your answers, i'll check all these options !
    Adrien Eppling, Dec 29, 2022 IP