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Host your forum for free?

Discussion in 'General Chat' started by anthonycea, Dec 25, 2004.

  1. #1
    Minstrel and I were discussing forums for families, sort of like a platform for an online family reunion that never ends.

    We just had a member join digital point that started a new free forum hosting service, see link below.


    It is an interesting service and I wanted to start this thread to get this member to explain this service.

    By what I understand so far it is a free forum hosting service and most types of forums can be hosted on the platform.

    The main question I have is how this will support itself, with more and more free forums coming on board?

    Does this require ads to run on every forum page that is hosted?
    anthonycea, Dec 25, 2004 IP
  2. Smyrl

    Smyrl Tomato Republic Staff

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    Anthony, If the free forum does not work out, you might look into the free pages rootsweb provides. I have not looked into them myself but know they are a major player in family research field.

    Smyrl, Dec 25, 2004 IP
  3. kc3

    kc3 Peon

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    We do not create ads, that's what's so wonderful about this website. One reason is to create competition to the forum hosts that charge so much to simply let someone say how they feel or share information. We don't believe this is right so we created Freeminz.com, ads are not put on the forums, in fact the forum hosting itself is very easy to maintain because that's how we have programmed it. It creates traffic to our website because it's a service that's unheard of. We gain profit through the ads on our website.

    You may be thinking that this takes up a lot of resources. In fact it doesn't and we have plenty of bandwidth and diskspace to support ourselves. A long time ago this was a problem but when we made some changes to the way forums are set up and the software we use, it doesn't take that much anymore. We hope to have our website grow and though we only host a couple hundred forums it takes up only about 230 MBs for the forums. We still have plenty of space to use.
    kc3, Dec 25, 2004 IP
  4. anthonycea

    anthonycea Banned

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    How hard is it for a newbie to set up and get running?

    Can I run ads on my forum hosted with you on the pages?

    Can you provide a easy step by step guide in this thread with links?
    anthonycea, Dec 25, 2004 IP
  5. kc3

    kc3 Peon

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    You easily sign up by filling out the form at members.freeminz.com or go to http://www.freeminz.com/ and click forum signup. Your forum will be created and the information is emailed to you.

    In the administrative panel of the forum software you may actually edit the code of your website, so it's extremely versatile. So you may run ads on your forums if you wish.

    Also we provide FTP access by request. You email the administrator or PM kc3 on the Freeminz.com Community forums with your first and last name, forum url, and a password you want.

    The links you should know are-
    Forum Signup- http://members.freeminz.com/

    The creators of the forum software (you may ask them questions on their support forums- http://navarone.f2o.org/

    Freeminz.com Community Forums (If you have questions or would just like to chat- http://forums.freeminz.com/

    Also, another free service we offer is free search engine submissions, the URL is http://www.freeminz.com/submit/
    kc3, Dec 25, 2004 IP
  6. anthonycea

    anthonycea Banned

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    You are a smart young guy, how old are you and how did you learn all of this at such a young age?

    You and Josh are really something, he is 13 and you are?

    What is your real name?
    anthonycea, Dec 25, 2004 IP
  7. kc3

    kc3 Peon

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    I'm 17 I've been doing web development since the age of 14 (my first website was very bad) and thanks for the complement. My real name is Kenneth Lee Cluck III. I just was interested in web development and online marketing, I started learning and slowly started learning more. My parents were allways willing to buy me computer books and I got a job at a pharmacy and I used that money to learn more. Also, while being on the internet more and more I realized how easy it is to get free information. That's what the internet is about I believe, free information. That's one reason for my website.
    kc3, Dec 25, 2004 IP
  8. anthonycea

    anthonycea Banned

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    Great, it is good that young guys like you and Josh are joining Digital Point, us old guys have a lot to learn :p

    Hope we can teach you guys a few things also.

    I am sure others will have questions for you in this thead so check back, it is your baby now buddy. :D
    anthonycea, Dec 25, 2004 IP
  9. kc3

    kc3 Peon

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    I'll be sure to. It's pretty fun being interviewed.
    kc3, Dec 25, 2004 IP