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Hosting IPB Forum Options

Discussion in 'Content Management' started by Gomar, Jul 29, 2022.

  1. #1
    I got an IPB Forum License but am tired of running my own host. I am not super tech savy so rather not have to deal with maintaining and updating it. Was looking at IPB monthly paid service as a turnkey option but their too expensive.

    Does anyone have any recommendations or alternatives? I just want to focus on running the forum and not have to deal with any of the technical stuff.
    Gomar, Jul 29, 2022 IP
  2. tech-guyz

    tech-guyz Member

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    Most forum software either have, Host with them and they give you full support or you host, and you take care of the rest.

    I don't personally have a IPB but I know it's a stable software, for the most part.

    What kind of issues do you run in to?
    tech-guyz, Jul 30, 2022 IP