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How Artificial Intelligence is going to change personal selling in the future.

Discussion in 'General Business' started by Braam, Aug 16, 2018.

  1. #1
    I need some input on the following topic. How Artificial Intelligence is going to change personal selling in the future?
    Braam, Aug 16, 2018 IP
  2. DpointG

    DpointG Active Member

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    You need to define Artificial Intelligence, as the newly created robots who are able to access information from the cloud or the Artificial Intelligence that Google already uses when you do searches
    Robots like Sophia have captured much attention and many worry that if they continue to improve they may dominate us
    Pehapsyou mean the micro chip which is inplanted under the skin, that does away with the need of bank cards and cash?
    DpointG, Aug 16, 2018 IP
  3. sarahk

    sarahk iTamer Staff

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    Doing your homework?

    It all depends on the data that the AI has access to.
    Scanning me as I walk in the store and applying different techniques based demographics is already done by humans automatically.
    Accessing my location history, my news and social patterns might be more useful - but then it depends on what you're selling.
    sarahk, Aug 16, 2018 IP
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  4. jrbiz

    jrbiz Acclaimed Member

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    This does sound like a homework assignment, of course. AI, to a certain extent, is already in use in many sales situations. E.g., there is a company called Pluris Marketing that provides telephone sales agents for large retailers with recommendations for the best offer to give to a caller based on deep insight into the caller's personal data. The computer chooses the most likely offer to resonate with a specific prospect based on many different factors (past buying history, current credit score, etc.) from a list of hundreds of pre-approved offers. This solution has been around for years.

    I think, however, that the biggest potential change to come in the years ahead are the chatbots that cannot be differentiated from a human speaking with you. Automating the sales effort in that way, will be very attractive to sales management types because not only will it save the salaries/commissions paid to sales reps, but it will also ensure that every sales procedure and process is strictly followed on all sales calls -- something that human sales reps will always slip up on. The chatbot also will not take "No" for an answer until their logic calculates that it is better to move on to the next prospect. Will be interesting to see how this evolves because for most of my career I had felt that sales would be safe from automation, but I see this coming now.
    jrbiz, Aug 17, 2018 IP
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  5. mstewart17

    mstewart17 Peon

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    I can chime in on the education aspect of how AI is changing things for the better. AI is currently taking a giant leap forward in terms of education in the US for a couple of reasons; student support beyond the classroom would be number 1. The demand for 24/7 support is common, so it is natural that the demand is high. Companies like Carnegie Learning is providing intelligent tutoring systems.

    Other trends include the automation of admin tasks with AI and adding immersive technology in classrooms.
    mstewart17, Aug 22, 2018 IP
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  6. cormoran

    cormoran Greenhorn

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    Actually, there is a book about it - Sales Ex Machina: How Artificial Intelligence is Changing the World of Selling by Victor Antonio
    cormoran, Dec 25, 2018 IP
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