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How can I download PLR to my website at a click of a button

Discussion in 'General Business' started by Sophy Manxaba, Jul 11, 2018.

  1. #1
    I have purchased a membership account from a PLR website, it seems I have to download each item one at a time. The site owner gives no support and is never found. Is there any software that I can use to download all their products perhaps to my PC first, then FTP to my website? Please I need help urgently.

    Thanking you in advance
    Sophy Manxaba, Jul 11, 2018 IP
  2. dcristo

    dcristo Illustrious Member

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    Do you want to publish the PLR articles directly to your website? You wouldn't want to do that, the articles would not be unique.
    dcristo, Jul 11, 2018 IP