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How do i make professional looking photo's of my stock

Discussion in 'Photoshop' started by classicsports, Aug 22, 2011.

  1. #1
    I need some help with my stock images, i plan to open a website and need better looking pictures,
    "i have attached a picture of my current picture" i want to have a white or black better quality background,
    is they any software which is easy to use? or which equipment do i need?

    any help would be appreciated
    classicsports, Aug 22, 2011 IP
  2. dvncfll01

    dvncfll01 Active Member

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    Well with photoshop, you could put filters and such on your stock photo's to give them effects, and make them black and white if that's what you want
    dvncfll01, Aug 24, 2011 IP
  3. MadanPatil

    MadanPatil Member

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    You can give any effect using photoshope, if you just want to remove background or give Black n white effect then its very simple. If you know some skills using photoshpe then do it yourself or I can do it for you. Send me PM.
    MadanPatil, Aug 27, 2011 IP