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How do you evaluate content written by your writer

Discussion in 'Content Management' started by rajirajesh, Sep 28, 2023.

  1. #1
    I have given blog writing guidelines to my content writer and she wrote over 2000 words blog post for my site.
    I read the blog post and it looked very professional. I want to know how you evaluate the content Are there any parameters checked on it? how do check if the content is AI-written or human-written? Copyscape only checks plagiarism once it is published is there any other way we can check for plagiarism? Would to hear any more things I should evaluate content before posting on my site.
    rajirajesh, Sep 28, 2023 IP
  2. GreenHost.Cloud

    GreenHost.Cloud Member

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    You can check and validate the content in the following fields.
    1. Check if the information provided is accurate, up-to-date, and supported by credible sources.
    2. Assess the readability and flow of the content. Ensure that ideas are logically organized and presented clearly.
    3. Look for proper grammar, spelling, punctuation, and adherence to language conventions.
    4. Evaluate if the content follows a suitable structure, such as an introduction, body paragraphs, and conclusion. Check formatting elements like headings, subheadings, bullet points, and numbered lists.
    5. Determine whether the content meets the intended purpose, engages the target audience, and maintains their interest throughout.
    6. Verify that the content is original and not plagiarized. Tools like plagiarism checkers can help in this regard.
    7. For web content, assess if keywords are appropriately used, if the content is properly optimized for search engines, and if it adheres to SEO best practices.
    GreenHost.Cloud, Dec 20, 2023 IP
  3. Warner Williams

    Warner Williams Active Member

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    You can always use a checker such as Grammarly or Hemmingway, or use a standard writing style sheet.
    Warner Williams, Jan 2, 2024 IP
  4. Edna Welburg

    Edna Welburg Banned

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    There are different AI checkers, but I really cannot recommend one. I tested a couple but they showed a high percentage of AI-written text in a piece I wrote from scratch. From what I know, they're not too reliable. I'll share some tellers from my personal experience. For example, look for the same sentence structure opening/closing multiple paragraphs (such as "by doing X you'll not only Y but also Z" - as a closing line in 5-6 paragraphs). Also, overusing "utilize" and "leverage" (I know, it's oddly specific) usually tells me it could be an AI-written piece. And, of course, whenever I see "In this digital realm", I will suspect Chat GPT. The rest is covered by the previous comments, you got some great tips there.
    Edna Welburg, Apr 10, 2024 IP
  5. Wale Jesukoya

    Wale Jesukoya Peon

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    Evaluating content written by your writers is a multifaceted process that encompasses several key criteria to ensure quality and alignment with your objectives. Here's an overview of our evaluation approach:

    1. Content Relevance: We assess whether the content addresses the intended topic comprehensively and stays relevant to the target audience's interests and needs.

    2. Accuracy and Fact-Checking: Ensuring factual accuracy is paramount. We verify information provided within the content to maintain credibility and trustworthiness.

    3. Clarity and Coherence: Content must be clear, coherent, and easily understandable. We evaluate the overall structure, flow, and logical progression of ideas to enhance readability.

    4. Tone and Style Consistency: Maintaining a consistent tone and style across all content pieces is crucial for brand voice and identity. We ensure adherence to established guidelines in this regard.

    5. Grammar and Language Proficiency: Proper grammar, syntax, and language usage are essential for effective communication. We meticulously review content to identify and rectify any grammatical errors or language inconsistencies.

    6. SEO Optimization (if applicable): For content intended for online consumption, we evaluate its search engine optimization (SEO) elements, such as keyword integration, meta descriptions, and formatting, to enhance visibility and reach.

    7. Engagement Potential: We assess the potential of the content to engage and captivate the audience, considering factors such as storytelling techniques, use of visuals, and incorporation of interactive elements.

    8. Feedback Integration: We encourage constructive feedback from both internal stakeholders and external sources to continuously improve the quality of our content. Feedback is systematically incorporated into the evaluation process for ongoing refinement.
    By systematically evaluating content against these criteria, we ensure that the material produced by our writers meets the highest standards of quality, relevance, and effectiveness in achieving our communication goals.
    Wale Jesukoya, Apr 10, 2024 IP