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How to get paid for use your Social Networks

Discussion in 'Social Networks' started by TaskerZ, Aug 14, 2023.

  1. #1
    Hey folks,

    I stumbled upon something pretty cool that I thought I'd share with you all – making some extra bucks while using social media. It's all thanks to SocialTasks.

    What's the Deal with SocialTasks?
    SocialTasks is a platform that lets you earn money by completing simple tasks on social media. Now, before you think it's another one of those spammy schemes, hear me out.

    My Experience
    I'm just a regular social media user (not an influencer or anything fancy). But with SocialTasks, I've been able to earn a bit of extra cash without much effort. The tasks are super easy, like giving likes, commenting, and engaging with posts.

    No Skills Required
    You don't need any special skills. If you know how to use social media, you're good to go. No complicated hoops to jump through, just tasks that fit right into your online routine.

    It's About Being Smart
    Now, I'm not saying you'll get rich. But it's a smart way to make your time online a bit more productive. Plus, when you hit the minimum payout, you can withdraw your earnings to PayPal.

    So, if you're intrigued and looking for a legit way to make some extra money while you scroll, check out SocialTasks.
    TaskerZ, Aug 14, 2023 IP
  2. dartdesign

    dartdesign Well-Known Member

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    From my personal experience it isn't very easy. Of course in depends on the niche that you are at, but overall Social Media hold way lower conversion in comparison to organic traffic.
    dartdesign, Aug 14, 2023 IP
  3. tobysurf

    tobysurf Active Member

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    Yeah agree , its not easy , it also waist of time and hard work .
    tobysurf, Aug 16, 2023 IP
  4. AhmedAbdullah

    AhmedAbdullah Peon

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    Appreciate the share!

    SocialTasks seems like a promising way to earn extra cash while using social media. Your personal experience as a regular user adds credibility. The fact that tasks are simple and fit seamlessly into our routine is a plus. I'll definitely give it a look – thanks for the heads-up on this legit opportunity!
    AhmedAbdullah, Aug 18, 2023 IP
  5. Numenorean7

    Numenorean7 Well-Known Member

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    You should share how much money you've made, with screenshots if possible. Saying it works isn't enough. Show us. Not of much interest otherwise.
    Numenorean7, Aug 18, 2023 IP
  6. Workogram

    Workogram Member

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    I had experience working on a platform similar to this one (I can't remember the name) and it was not easy at all. First of all, you have a limited time to complete the task, i.e. after you click on the "start" button, the time starts counting down so that you can upload the results of your work. As for the payment, I have never seen any tasks for more than $2. As for me, this type of earnings is suitable for people who have a lot of free time and do not need much money.
    Workogram, Aug 22, 2023 IP