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How to open 20 accounts in Win 10 and get separated each one with differents ips?

Discussion in 'Social Networks' started by heartdragon, Apr 17, 2020.

  1. #1
    Hello, I have 20 accounts of differents networks. My only resource is 1 pc with low ram. (I cant install virtual machines) Then I have to use only Windows 10 to do the task

    I am going to use different folders with Firefox Portable, I will install in each one the extension: (user agent) to fake the OS and Browser and not leave footprings to get caught.

    Also I have Proxies to use in each Firefox Portables

    What another extension do you recommend me? Or what another actions should I have to do in order to use all the social networks I have without Facebook, Google get know that I am usign only one pc to open all the accounts. Many thanks!
    heartdragon, Apr 17, 2020 IP