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How to protect your articles from the content thieves

Discussion in 'Content Management' started by creare-site, Nov 29, 2014.

  1. #1
    Original content that's stolen by plagiarists is a major concern for publishers and bloggers. Their websites face penalization by Google if the latter comes upon duplicate content. The same happens if low quality posts are discovered via Google's Panda. This is why I'll tell you about a way to stop that. And it's all about a plugin.

    How does this tool work?

    It's very easy to use the plugin. Each time a visitor takes one of your posts and pastes it somewhere else using "copy / paste", the tool's going to initiate a log of what's happening. This log will then be sent to your email address in the form of an alert.

    The plugin is all about website content protection. As soon as you receive said alert, you can use the plugin's interface to do this: insert the stolen text in the Google search bar. You'll then see if the post appears on someone else's website. You even have the possibility to see the IP address of the plagiarist. :)

    This particular tool is especially welcome for people who write many original posts and dislike content theft. If you use it, there's no need to manually verify stolen content. This can take a lot of time. The plugin you'll soon use on your site does a great job in terms of duplicate content detection.

    Particularly if you don't know how to find what posts were plagiarized and which weren't. Doing that on your own isn't productive. Instead, this tool makes sure the number of stolen texts decreases. As such, you won't be affected by Google's penalization!

    If you don't know where to find the plugin, access this page:


    You'll then be able to use the tool by paying 10 dollars for it. You can use it on all of your websites.

    I've found 2 plagiarists in just few days after installation of the plugin, so looks very effective so far. :)
    creare-site, Nov 29, 2014 IP
  2. BMR777

    BMR777 Well-Known Member

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    Interesting idea, but I'm guessing this will only register certain types of content theft. I'm guessing it uses Javascript to detect the copy action, so that rules out tracking users who use noscript to block the plugin. It would also not work on bots that scrape your site's HTML code and copy the content that way.
    BMR777, Dec 3, 2014 IP