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How to start e-scooter sharing business

Discussion in 'General Business' started by DenisR, Jan 7, 2023.

  1. #1
    I start this thread for sharing tips and questions about launching your own electric scooter sharing service: hardware, software, challenges, costs, etc. Please join this discussion. For the start, here are some
    E-scooter sharing market insights
    DenisR, Jan 7, 2023 IP
  2. mark43

    mark43 Peon

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    If it is possible to know, how to promote these electric scooters and scooters? because I'm wondering where is the best place
    mark43, Jan 8, 2023 IP
  3. edvardbig5

    edvardbig5 Peon

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    I think the best way to promote your scooters some scooters or something is somewhere on yt in my opinion is the best idea
    edvardbig5, Jan 12, 2023 IP
  4. sarahk

    sarahk iTamer Staff

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    The tech is the easy bit, the scooters are expensive and it's really hard to get local city authorities to give you permission to operate. My future SIL owns a micro-mobility company and it's not an easy business.
    sarahk, Jan 19, 2023 IP
  5. Simeonovert

    Simeonovert Peon

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    Yes, but it seems to me that it needs to be a good advertisement, because if there is no advertising, there will be no sales. It seems to me that this is the main factor of any factor.
    Simeonovert, Feb 8, 2023 IP
  6. sarahk

    sarahk iTamer Staff

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    Advertising is the easy bit, just put the scooters on the street and advertise on social media sites.
    The hard bit is getting people to download the app but first, you have to get a license to have the scooters out there. I doubt there is any city in the world that allows scooters without some sort of regulation by local government. You can count on Lime/Uber and Beam to fight you every step of the way. It's doable, cities tend to want more than one supplier, but don't think it'll be easy.
    sarahk, Feb 8, 2023 IP
  7. jrbiz

    jrbiz Acclaimed Member

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    I have always wondered about the economic viability of these companies (rental bicycles, scooters, etc.) But, especially with scooters that will have regular mechanical breakdowns from the heavy usage and the generally nasty way a lot of people treat rented devices, how do you make a profit? My wife was commenting that she recently saw a scooter rental that looked abandoned under a highway overpass. I assume the company has GPS and will find it, but the logistics of this business appear daunting. And what about thieves taking a random scooter to a chop shop and selling it for parts?
    jrbiz, Feb 11, 2023 IP
  8. sarahk

    sarahk iTamer Staff

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    My daughter worked for one and I was amazed at how quickly scooters were "retired". Yes, people steal them and she'd turn out at midnight to rough parts of town to reclaim them, all 5'2" of her. She never had a problem.
    The future SIL is writing code to detect burnouts, they've had court cases over scooters dumped in the harbour. They turn a profit but it's a lot of work - you need a lot of staff, our council would find badly parked scooters and notify the company, and they then had 30 minutes to move it. One of our towing companies has a shed full of confiscated lime scooters. Lime also operated in one of our university towns, the students developed a system of turning regular push bikes into e-bikes using lime scooter parts. Expensive!!!
    sarahk, Feb 12, 2023 IP
    jrbiz likes this.
  9. jrbiz

    jrbiz Acclaimed Member

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    My daughter lives in area serviced by these scooters. She said that you have to have a credit card to rent one and that people often leave the scooters in their driveways or on sidewalks with more time than they needed on them in case someone else has a use for it. How in the world does that work? I would never let a stranger take control of a device that I had checked out with my credit card. Likewise, how do these things get dumped in the harbor? Do they charge the credit card of the person who was renting it when it was damaged or destroyed? I have to say that I am baffled a bit by how this business works.
    jrbiz, Feb 12, 2023 IP
  10. Bob13

    Bob13 Peon

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    I think the business will be quite costly because create a base of for example three hundred electric scooters each cost 1000 dollars then you can attach costs only for scooters. Plus, each scooter needs to be built into the GPS module to constantly monitor its location. To all this you need a sensible application. Of course it shouldn't be a problem, but an app that works seamlessly will cost you another 10,000 dollars. That's with the manufacturer's support for the app. But I think it is possible to implement all this if you have the financial resources of about 300000 dollars at least. Of course, this is based on a city of about 2-3 million people. If it is less, there is no point in this venture. Since your scooters will just lie under the open sky motionless. To all this you need the transport on which you will travel around the city to collect and deliver scooters. You also need a staff of 10 people exactly.
    Bob13, Feb 23, 2023 IP
    sarahk and jrbiz like this.
  11. Bob13

    Bob13 Peon

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    I also wanted to add to my post that you need to think hard to come up with a good name for your company. After all, it should at least become known in one city to easily transfer to other cities. Well, this is already as an option to expand business. Marketers should do a good job on this. We are all well aware that we buy this or that product or service only because of advertising. Well, unless this product is not a product of prime necessity. And this, too, is not a small expense.
    Bob13, Feb 27, 2023 IP
  12. DenisR

    DenisR Peon

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    DenisR, Feb 27, 2023 IP
  13. Ziporal Morris

    Ziporal Morris Banned

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    Planning, preparing, and research must be done in great detail before starting an e-scooter sharing company. You must choose a company concept, make a budget, set up insurance and licenses, buy the scooters, and plan your marketing approach. Also, you'll want a solid management platform for your company, such as a mobile application or website, to streamline payments and bookings. You're now ready to start your business—just choose a good site!
    Ziporal Morris, Mar 11, 2023 IP
  14. Joseph Mack

    Joseph Mack Peon

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    Starting an e-scooter sharing business can be a great way to make money and make a difference in your community. To get started, you'll need to research the local laws and regulations for operating an e-scooter sharing business in your area. You'll also need to determine the best type of e-scooters to use, and how much to charge customers for their use. Additionally, you'll need to find a reliable and affordable business coaching services provider to help you set up your business and stay on top of the changing regulations. With the right preparation, an e-scooter sharing business can be a great opportunity to make money and provide a valuable service to your community.
    Joseph Mack, Mar 21, 2023 IP
  15. sarahk

    sarahk iTamer Staff

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    Do you base this on personal experience?
    Why the emphasis on business coaching? It’s a good idea but not the most important. I’d suggest that start up capital for the scooters, advertising, and the apps are bigger road blocks.
    sarahk, Mar 21, 2023 IP
  16. MidnightPhoenix

    MidnightPhoenix Peon

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    It's crucial to understand that beginning an e-scooter-sharing business may be expensive and takes extensive preparation and execution.

    But with the appropriate strategy, you can launch a lucrative company in this expanding industry. Here are the essential actions to take: Market analysis, creating a strong business strategy, securing the required permissions and licenses, leasing or buying e-scooters, developing a mobile app, starting a marketing campaign, and monitoring and adjusting your business to suit consumer demands and increase income are all things you should do. You can create a successful e-scooter-sharing business with proper planning and execution.

    Working with a trustworthy web development company that provides software solutions, especially MVPs for startups, may also be quite advantageous. I heartily endorse a team that provides detailed consulting services, which can evaluate your concept and help you create a completely functional market. This partnership might be a game-changer whether you wish to grow your present company or launch a prosperous startup. I wish you luck!
    MidnightPhoenix, Apr 18, 2023 IP