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How to take full screen shot

Discussion in 'Photoshop' started by Jalpari, Dec 24, 2007.

  1. Mack

    Mack Member

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    Just press Ctrl + PrtScr and you will get full snapshot of the screen - if u press prtscr it will not give u full screen shot --- tried and tested - No additional addons needed- Thanx
    Mack, Nov 15, 2014 IP
  2. billzo

    billzo Well-Known Member

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    Firefox Web Developer Tools that comes with the Firefox browser can now take full web page screenshots without any add-ons or plugins.

    Hit F12 key to get into Web Developer Tools. Click the Gear icon at the right of the top of the Tools window (Toolbox Options), then on the lower left of the options screen check the box that says "Take a fullpage screenshot". You should then have a camera icon on your Tools toolbar off on the top right. When you want to take a fullpage screenshot, hit F12 to open up Web Developer Tools then click on the camera icon. The fullpage screenshot will be saved in your Downloads folder. I use it every day. :)
    billzo, Nov 15, 2014 IP