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I am so sad!

Discussion in 'General Chat' started by goldensea80, Jan 28, 2005.

  1. #1
    I was shocked and sad when I read the news on the webpage. :(
    I wonder if there are some Chinese people around here and what will they say.
    goldensea80, Jan 28, 2005 IP
  2. Lever

    Lever Deep Thought

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    That's not good (but we Brits aint so pure, so I wont feign any piety here) What's the state of International relations between China and Vietnam prior to this, goldensea80?
    Lever, Jan 28, 2005 IP
  3. goldensea80

    goldensea80 Well-Known Member

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    I the past, there are many invasion from China. Most recent event is the border invasion in 1979, for the reason we end the Pol Pot regime in Combodia.
    However, these years, Vietnam-China relation seems to be quite friendly. My deparment have just visit China last year. I think many Chinese still hold the "big brother" or "Center of Universe" idea? ("China" of Zhongguo actually means "Central Kingdom" )
    For mor information about the above event, use Google.
    goldensea80, Jan 28, 2005 IP
  4. david_sakh

    david_sakh Peon

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    That's not good (but we Americans aint so pure, so I wont feign any piety here)

    Sucks. Period.

    But as one of China's greatest ideological leaders said himself, a statesman fond of killing should rarely see his state last more than 10 generations.

    Something about corruption or law by Crime and punishment on increasingly local levels pushed that limit down even further, where it became a true-to-life case with teh soviets.

    david_sakh, Jan 28, 2005 IP