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I Challenge Campolar to a Vector Duel

Discussion in 'Photoshop' started by innovati, Jan 7, 2009.

  1. #1
    Hello friends, earlier this week in this very forum Campolar posted a sample of his vector skills and offered a service to the public: the vectorization of bitmapped images. In his post he said the pricing started at 25$, but could cost you more depending on the specific image.

    Now, there are multiple ways to vectorize an image just as there are multiple ways to paint an image - some taking mere minutes of work, others taking dozens and dozens of hours. If Campolar is using an auto-trace tool, which his work bears an uncanny resemblance, his process would take him likely about as long as it would take to boil some water to make tea. This would make his hourly pay 300$/h

    If he did it all 100% manually, of course there are varying levels of detail he could do, but there’s no way he could accomplish the sample image in less than 2 hours, which puts his hourly pay at 12.5$/h or lower, based on how much longer it takes him.

    So, what I challenge him to is a duel. I am a trained Graphic Designer and I have taken college design courses and illustration courses which have given me the sensitivity, software skills and the eye to do this sort of work. The Challenge is simple, and here are the rules:

    Image Selection

    Campolar must choose the source image from which we will both create our vectors. The subject matter can be literally anything, but the target size should be larger than 700 pixels (a medium or large image works best)

    each participant will submit one post containing the following:

    -A copy of the original source image used

    -A list of all of the software used in the manipulation of the image, as well as the current list price of the item (with link)

    - A video hosted on youtube or vimeo (or a similar site) containing a recording of your entire screen for the entire duration of the manipulation of the image. Just a straight up screen capture (uninterrupted video, no editing the video data, sounds or captions can be added to the video, but nothing removed from the video)

    - A copy of the resultant image posted here for all to see
    So there it is. I will sit here and wait to see whether you will choose to honour the challenge, and I will accept your selection and posting of a source image as your entry into the duel. May the truth be uncovered.
    innovati, Jan 7, 2009 IP
    l3fty likes this.
  2. linkstraffic

    linkstraffic Well-Known Member

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    You are a person of honor innovati.
    Come on Campolar, take the challenge, you said you have some spare time did you!
    linkstraffic, Jan 8, 2009 IP
  3. steelfrog

    steelfrog Peon

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    Heh, you're really upset about that, aren't you? I wouldn't really worry about it. The guy was trying to make a quick buck off un-suspecting customers and you've nabbed him. Not much more to write about, really. Regardless, I doubt he'll be stepping up to the plate to accept your challenge. Good luck anyway!
    steelfrog, Jan 8, 2009 IP
  4. designz

    designz Peon

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    This is great to see innovati sticking up for all the digital artists . I have only been here a short time and have seen innovati give quality feedback , great support not to mention defending digital artists. Keep up the good work m8. I personally was offended with that particular person trying to make money out of unsuspecting viewers.

    Oh if anyone wants say a photoshop battle then i will be glad to oblige hehe. Just want to show off ya know :D
    designz, Jan 8, 2009 IP
  5. innovati

    innovati Peon

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    Salut Steelfrog! yes, I'm not bluffing here and I'm fully prepared to do this challenge as fairly and quickly as I can, I never expected that he'd step up. To me it really seems like he isn't being 100% honest about his work and a video capture might reveal that.

    This whole issue has upset me, but in a good way. I feel compelled to make some nice video tutorials and see if I can't educate untrained people in the more simple and accessible tasks that they would otherwise need to commission a designer or purchase software to do.

    I don't see the tutorials being written tomorrow, but I have just registered a site and am in the process of building the site on wordpress. I already have a long list of possible tutorial ideas and software-related downloads that would use only open-source tools that everybody could download for free.

    I'll definitely get this site up in the next month and get cracking on content after that. From this week on I'm devoting one day a week to this project, plus an evening or two, so there should be some good professionally made content arriving in the next few months :)

    @Campolar: The challenge still stands, and you know, it may come across to you like I'm being harsh or mean, but what I wanted most was for you to make the video and to beat me. Not for my sake, but to clear my doubts and also because seeing other people make great stuff makes me happy, even if it's better than mine. Any time you want to have that challenge I'll still be up for it.
    innovati, Jan 8, 2009 IP
  6. momiexx

    momiexx Greenhorn

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    very nice idea
    momiexx, Jan 8, 2009 IP
  7. designz

    designz Peon

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    innovati can i get more information on this project as i may be interested in lending a hand in the design and coding. Also writing tutorials if you need a tutorial writer. ( i will be doing sceencasts) Thats if you want the help then just pm me i am glad to help. I was setting up my own personal tutorial website but i am thinking of having several partners and content writers. But then again that may not happen. I have yet to decide.
    designz, Jan 8, 2009 IP